1206 Harris Ave, Camarillo CA 93010 (its close to the 101)
my dads sick house
also because im hosting i demand we do some of the following things
Russian Roulette
-with 4 delicious ***** drinks and only 1 cup/shot glass full of nasty terrible vodka (only ten dollars!)
+ maybe other bad tasting things. i dont want anyone to yakk though
I Have Never...
Kings Quest (you die, we drink!)
The Room (oh hi, we drink!)
Pass the Pigs!!!!!
[Whatever fun amazing game brian inevitably brings]
things we'll need
-terrible vodka (im really sold on this idea)
-smirnoff ICE
-captain morgans / grey goose / JD / jager
-sodas. coke or squirt or something
-probably some beers, rolling rock????