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7/7/7 LTEC2 Full Results UP (and some videos!)


Smash Apprentice
Mar 6, 2006
orlando, Florida
Alright I'm a really lazy guy but I'm gonna go ahead and try this shoutout thing....

First of all Exarch and Fenrir, great tournament! I have no idea how you managed to keep things so organized and timely. And Fenrir, as for our matches in pools, they were fun. You probably would have taken me out if you went fox but it's alright cause we had fun and laughed and joked around during our matches.

AngryLobster - You're the coolest guy ever. Teaming with you was great and I'd like to do it again sometime. Since double ness isn't very practical I should work on variating. You're shiek was beastly when it came down to needing it. Sorry I had to stay with Ness, he's the only character I have that much confidence in. Also, I'm not gonna lie but some of the things I do with Ness nowadays I got from you cause you're ness is sick. You're too cool man. Even when I watched you in your pool with my crewmates I had to root for you as well as them!!

Dguy - It was good to finally get some friendlies in with you again. It was the first time I played against you in months! Your Mewtwo is amazing. Great job showin people how to hold it down with low tiers!

Sheer Madness - Don't ever do what you did again!!! And you know what I'm talkin about. Other then that, good job learning to deal with the pressure at tournaments. You've gotten so much better (As we've both noticed over time in our ruitine falco dittos!).

XYZ - You already know you're the man! You've been holdin it down hardcore lately man. Let's smash again soon (like that doesn't already happen on a regular basis)!

ColBol - I had to play against you in teams and singles. Both times were fun though. Counterpicking Brinstar FTW! One day I'm gonna prove to you that Ness gimps Fox......chain grab to forward throw off ledge to PKthunder.... :)

Dop - Good to see you again man! I warned you that the NAN is no more! Our first match in some months was too exciting! I had you up 3 stock to one and then as usual you have to make your stupid little comeback. I know you saw my new mindgames though, don't deny it!!!

BO! - Good to see you again too! I always enjoy playin your link in friendlies...sucks to fight in tournaments though.

The rest of my crew - The car drive was fun. Nice job on hookin it up with the music Joe. Good thing I didn't have to play much of you guys in actual tourney matches.

SmashMac - I don't know what it is about you, but for some reason our matches always end up being really intense. I had trouble fighting the next person in our pool after you cause I was exhausted.

KeepSpeedn - You're too good man. I wanna get some friendlies in with you someday.

Dashizwiz - Good job on first place! Wish we coulda talked/played more.

Linguini - I like fighting against Ganon's but you're too beast! You definitely deserved the win against me. Hope we can meet again soon for friendlies.

Forward - Why did you have to be in my pool??? Well, regardless of you going 2-0 against everyone in the pool I still made it out and I'm glad I got the chance to play against you. Madd Respect to you...

I'm sorry if I left anyone out but good **** to everyone!


Smash Journeyman
Mar 25, 2005
954 and 352 (Plantation and Gainesville)
Ok i'm gonna try and give shoutouts:

Exarch/Fenrir: Good job with running the tourney. Exarch, give my thanks to your family. I played against your little brother. He's pretty good. Also, I need peach practice. I got ***** by peaches at this tourney.

Manko: Thanks for friendlies and randoms haha. I will never play g&w against yoshi again. Stupid d-tilt haha. Thanks for the rides back and forth from the tourney. Hope I never have your checkers experience.

Kiwii: So sad that I didn't get to play against your shiek. It looked impressive. Thanks for teaaching me two notes and two chords which forms the bass of a song. What's the name of that song again? I think you scared a bunch of people when you would shout randomly during matches HAHA.

Rohins/Phanna: I miss playing against you guys like at lakeside. You two are too good and too cool. Phanna, I knew you would put up the vids in a day or two not a week or more.

Sheermadness: Nice friendlies against your falco and pikachu. They both are really good. Hopefully, I'll go to a gigabits, and I can play against you again.

Rock: It was nice playing against you in pools. Seems I need to get better at fox dittos haha. I loved how I suicided on my 1st stock of our 2nd pools match haha. I can't believe you remembered my real name.

Doodah: I don't think you get enough credit on how good your fox is. Nice choice going peach against me. I hate peach! That dirty ***** haha.

Blitz4shaft: Did I spell that right? You're a chill dude. It was nice talkin to you and derek about girls in general haha. Our conversations are too good.

Forward: You probably hear this all the time, but you're one of the coolest and easiest smashers to talk with. I loved how you were beasting people in chess.

Ballistics (derek): Stop working at publix since you're the worst employee known to man haha jk. You should at least kno what lanes items are on. Funny how you said lane 12 and bread was on lane 12 though. Your falco is seriously getting more consistent, smoother, and smarter. Keep it up. Stop doing full jumped aerials with the Z's haha. Also, that Akira movie is sick and weird, but I need to finish watching it.

On a side note: Queen, the person saying "yea" in the background is timberlake, IMO.

The Alpha Gundam

Smash Champion
Jan 2, 2006
Samus taunt me thinks

Thank you for everything. your to kool for words. Cant wait for the next LTEC:)

$mac: it was nice playing you again and chillin with you. Good stiff on your placing as well, hope to see you at Smash aid;)

KeepSpeedn: Good stuff as alwasy mangz, you better **** at FCD!

DaShizWiz: Finally got to play that broken Falco of yours lol. Congrats on first and you also better **** at FCD!

QDVS: no friendlys:( Its all good ill make sure to play you the next time i see you. oh i should have those pics for you by tommorw.

RockCrock: Same as Queenie i didnt get to play you:( i must remember to play next time we meet.

Phanna/Rohins: i enjoy the Samus dittos. duo Samus team is top tier.

Forward: Thanks for those kind words:) Good stuff in teams and singles.

Kiwii: Your loud LOL j/k I enjoy the team friendlys and the trashtalk lol. (ps Mike G is not gay)

Manko: I know what your name is and it ROCKS! I enjoy the team friendlys and The uber Samus cake.

Thomas Tipman: your such a beast with Dorf with all of your krazy uber haxs lol.

Doodah: ROFL

Green Mario: WTF is about all i can say after our pool match lol. Your the **** in teams though for real.

XIF: what does your name stand for anyways???

The former Gimp master lol: I didn get to play but it was nice meeting you, i shall get friendlys at the netx ltec;)

Linguni: indeed i was afraid of Tipman lol.

Angrylobster: Our matches were sooo close, your ness is serious business.

Derf: you beat the crap out of me in friendlys but i enjoy them regardless:)

Chaddd : Way to rep GA at this for realz. The rest of us need to step it up.


Menthol: You were sooo close in your tiebreaker match. I know how that feels but dont worry you make up for it at Smash Aid.

Desu: I should of gotten those sandwhichs:(

PB&J: Glad to see your back in GA.

DogySamich: LMFAO

112/carter: good stuff in teams

Sleepk: I need to play you.

Ares: good stuff on makin brackets and i apologize for doing ****ty in teams.

Prac: You miss brackets by one win >.<.

X2X: You eat too much.


Tsunami: Your Forward impression is too good.

Cupcakes: *drools*

Cop who pull us over: Your on my hit list:mad:

Blame Dogysamich if i somehow forgot you and ill make him pay for it:)


Smash Lord
Jan 6, 2007
Orlando, FL
too many ppl to shout out but i'll give out some.

thanks to exarch and fenrir for hosting a great tourney.

My crew: good ****, and im glad we all attended such a good tourney.

Wato: fun times, no doubt... boi!

The Brothers (shiz,mac,speed) it was fun hangin out with you guys, you kids are too cool for school.

My pool: (XIF,derf,shiekssbm,Phanna,Rexx,apollo) I hate you all.
johns. I'll never stay up 24hrs playing smash again before a tourney. /johns

Melbourne crew, cool chillen with ya'll as always.

Smac/dogy: those Doc ditto were too intense.

Foward: it was nice meeting you, your an interesting individual, hhehe... but yeah man, hope we meet again forsure bra.

sorry if i forgot anyone, but see you nubs @ GIGS!

Tru, holding it down...


Smash Journeyman
Dec 10, 2006
newnan georgia
hay.i forgot to thank people.

thank you fred for driving me to toms house.

thank you tom for letting me play smash with yall.

love daniel zaman.


Smash Hero
Apr 25, 2007
lawrenceville, GA
the tourny was fun ..let me make this short

fl players-good meeting everybody hope u go to smash aid

forward-good seeing u again..hope we can play soon

keepspeedn-it was nice meeting u..your fox is a beast..hit me up

cde-good stuff for repping ga

gpc-we will prevail at smash aid..the car ride was fun playing smash the whole time

gawes-thanks for letting me stay at ur house ..ur a beast

chaddd-ur a beast..good stuff on beating tipman and xif..give me ur infinite

ca$hmooney-thanks for letting stay at ur house

everybody else who i forgot..im sorry...hope to see everybody at smash aid


Banned via Administration
Mar 26, 2006
Yeah, i'm definitely pretty bad at this game.

I did eat a million cupcakes though. and cake-cake.

But shoutouts:


Exarch: thank you so much for hosting this tournament. It was awesome, I had like a million cupcakes, and I hope you heal quickly and well.

QueenDVS: Man, you're just as cool (if not even cooler!) as (than) I thought you would be. It was awesome meeting you and your long hair. And your very manly pink hat.

Col-Bol: Lol sorry for weirding you out by taking your picture, but you're a pretty cool guy. and too good.

Xif: It was pretty neat meeting all the florida people I like to watch vids of, you definitely included :D. Man, that money match with Chadddd was intense!

The rest of florida: You guys are way too good.

Not Florida:

Forward: Ah man, you turned out to be an awesome guy. It was worth the trip to be able to meet you (and QDVS :p) in-person. Good job at the tourney, and thanks for the magickal Forward quarter. Sadly, it only started working once I got back into Georgia... lol I'll definitely keep it with me for quite some time though.

Not Not Georgia:

112 & Carter: Mannn. We had a hell of a time there. You guys did good in teams and singles (except you, mike, not making it out of pools. Nah, kidding. It's Florida.) Carter, you looked hilarious when you were passed out in the car. and Mike, I still.. owe you $20.
Thanks for taking me, guys.

DogySamich: Why do you have to live so far away? Thanks for housing us. I'd visit if it weren't such a far drive. You really did well against some of those Florida players though. Dogy is too god.

Chadddd & Wes: Awesome team! Great job. Good job both of you in teams and singles! And Chadddd, good job winning $50. And doing well against Tipman. Epic.

Menthol: Man, I'm way too awful at melee lol. Good job in your pools.

PB&J: Evan returns! Man you gotta have those biweeklies (or weeklies even) someplace.

Desu: Ahh, I was playing bad (in addition to me being bad) johns. Still. GPC is too cool. We gotta hang out some time.

Soft: That TV you had was too nice..
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