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5th gen OU: Lazydera


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
Sup guys, I dunno if you guys have seen this combo lately, but it's pretty freaking boss if you ask me. The person who invented this combo was actually a new college buddy of mine who I taught Pokemon to about a month ago. He made it to rank 20 in the beta server before the massive surge of new players came. Pretty god-like for a newbie. This team here is made to take advantage of that combo.

OU4ever (Gengar) @ Focus Sash
Levitate: Hasty
252 Satk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Shadow Ball
- Counter
- Icy Wind
- Taunt
Leadgar uses Icy Wind vs. faster opponents, Taunt against things I should Taunt, Counter against physical attackers I can't Shadow Ball (trades with ttar), and Shadow Ball things I threaten. Hasty is here to "strengthen" Counter, not that it's really needed... Gengar's main job is to scout for Shandera's counters. This info is very helpful so I know when the best time to bring in my combo is. This set is basically like my Froslass set with Counter over Destiny Bond and Shadow Ball over Spikes. This dumbs down the menace that is Gengar, but I don't know any good leads and I feel every member of my team is important. If it would benefit my team, I would much rather run a LOgar w/ sub, pain split, sball, focus blast/punch.

Ghst → Aianto, Kirikizan
Psy → Aianto, Kirikizan
Dark → Terakion, Aianto, Kirikizan

Washtom (Rotom-W) @ Choice Scarf
Levitate: Modest
248 Satk, 248 Spe, 12 HP
- Thunderbolt
- Hydro Pump
- Will-O-Wisp
- Trick
Rotom-W is my primary line of defense against the common bulkymons, waters specifically. WoW puts the hurt in the butt and Trick is to cripple special walls like Bliss, Snorlax, P2. Speed is set to 270, 405 with Scarf. Not being weak to Pursuit and gaining the wonderful resistances of Water has been a positive change for Rotom, imo.

Grass → Gengar, Aianto, Shandera, Kirikizan

Moo (Terakion) @ Leftovers
Justice Heart: Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Close Combat
- Stone Edge
- Rock Polish
- Swords Dance
Terakion is wonderful for ripping open holes in my opponent's team. It functions like double boosting Torterra or Lucario, I guess. Polish vs. Offense. SD vs. Defense. I have him here because he's a faster, stronger Lucario and he performs admirably vs. Sandstorm teams in general. Outspeeding Doryuuzu is boss as hell! I can't really decide between Adamant or Jolly. Adamant is more efficient, but I feel that the other 3 uh, musketeers or whatever, are going to be quite prevalent. For now, Jolly stays for the purpose of outrunning Lati@s. I mainly have him here for the Justice Heart chance from incoming Crunches aimed at my Shandera.

Fight → Gengar, Shandera
Water → Rotom-W
Grass → Gengar, Aianto, Shandera, Kirikizan
Grnd → Gengar, Rotom-W
Steel → Rotom-W, Aianto, Shandera, Kirikizan
Psy → Aianto, Kirkizan
(Yeah, this list is huge...)

CantDance (Aianto) @ Choice Scarf
Truant: Jolly
252 Atk, 252 Spe, 4 HP
- Befriend (Make Friends)
- Iron Head
- X-Scissor
- Toxic
First step of the combo! I try to bring him in once Shandera's counters are eliminated. Use Befriend, hopefully fainting in the process. If I don't faint, it's not too bad, but it enables my opponent the opportunity to switch out to avoid the combo. For that reason, I've considered running Hasty with 0 IVs in HP, Def, and Sdef. Sometimes, I need to take a hit just so I can switch in and get off that first Befriend. Also, the frailty is useless if Shanderaa faints for some reason, like say, spikestacking. Iron Head is there for lucky flinches with my godlike speed. I coould use Stone Edge in it's place, but I think I have enough Stone Edgers on my team. I could run double status, with Thunder Wave, but my team seems pretty solid when it comes to speed. Toxic is just so I can damage things I can't normally hit.

Fire → Rotom-W, Terakion, Shandera

BanMe (Shandera) @ Leftovers
Shadow Tag: Modest
252 HP, 236 Satk, 20 Spe
*0 IVs in Atk*
- Calm Mind
- Protect
- Nitro Charge
- Shadow Ball
Befriend makes my opponent copy Aianto's Truant. This allows Shandera to alternate between Protect, Calm Mind, and Nitro Charge. +6 Spe, +6 Satk. The counters to this are any Normal type which the rest of my team attempts to scout. Nattorei, Tyranitar, Umbreon, Kirkizan, and Zuruzukin are 2hko'd. Nitro Charge lets me outrun scarfchomp after 3 uses, and the entire metagame after 4. Also scarfed +nature deoxys-s after 6. I have 200 speed, so each Nitro Charge gives me 100 extra speed. 0 Atk IVs so I can still get in as many Nitro Charges as desired against weakened foes or things like Nattorei if I trapped one. By the way, every normal type includes Ditto.

Isai status.

KIRA (Kirikizan) @ Leftovers
Competitive Spirit: Adamant
252 HP, 240 Atk, 16 Spe
- Swords Dance
- Sucker Punch
- Ankle Sweep
- Stone Edge
Because Ditto is so easy to throw onto any team that needs another Pokemon, I have this guy to answer any Ditto that copy's my Shandera's +6/+6. He can tank a hit, and Sucker Punch back next turn if I have the chance to let Aianto set up again. Most of the time, iI ust sacrifice Shandera and let this guy do work. If he ends up coming in early, Ankle Sweep slows down potential counters much like Icy Wind and Mud Shot. He has 180 spe, so after an Ankle Kick I outrun max spe neutral natured base 85s (270), pretty much the same thing as as a +1 spe boost (+90). I could invest more speed, but the bulk is needed as Aianto can't tank and I need a tanky steel. Iron Head would be here if he were faster to take advantage of the flinch chance.

Fire → Rotom-W, Terakion, Shandera
Grnd → Gengar, Rotom-W
Fight → Gengar, Shandera



Smash Master
Dec 11, 2007
This looks pretty gimmicky. ScarfChomp looks like it could **** your team if Terakion hasn't set up or if Rotom's been sufficiently damaged.

EDIT: Aianto is Scarfed? Jeez, that's interesting. SubTran can do pretty nice damage to your team if Wash Rotom is, again, damaged.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
The NICE part about this team... is that if anything dies or my foe begins to sweep, Aianto can just come in, Befriend, die, and setup Shandera. Of course, as long as they're not behind a sub or above 522 speed. Kirikizan sets up on Dragon Claws, Rotom capitalizes on EQ.

.... this team needs a Lati@s somewhere to handle subtran. Terakion can only beat it if sandstorm is active. Kirikizan desperately needs to learn Mach Punch and Bullet Punch and get Iron Fist. Somebody tell me again why he does not have those moves+ability? Inner Focus is Lucario's job. Also, I'll take suggestions for a better Poke in Kirikizan's place that can beat a Ditto that copies Shandera... just in case.


Banned via Warnings
Mar 22, 2008
I thought Befriend didn't work on Truant pokemon. Does this mean that pokemon with Truant cannot recieve abilities or pokemon with Truant cannot pass abilities on?

If the latter, your whole combo is pretty much screwed.

And why exactly is Aianto better at creating setup bait than Wobbuffet exactly?


Smash Champion
Feb 6, 2009
Three Rivers, MI
I thought Befriend didn't work on Truant pokemon. Does this mean that pokemon with Truant cannot recieve abilities or pokemon with Truant cannot pass abilities on?

If the latter, your whole combo is pretty much screwed.

And why exactly is Aianto better at creating setup bait than Wobbuffet exactly?
Because one can do it to opposing Shandera. And do it well, actually. Well, so long as the opposing Shandera is Scarf or Specs.


A great conversation filler at bars and parties
Nov 18, 2007
Temple University, Philadelphia
Befriend works against any Pokemon, you just make them copy your ability. So both you and your foe are Truant. Worry Seed is the only move that I recall that does not work on Truant Pokemon. I've used this MANY times before, and I am positive it works. As for Wobby, see what Cleffa said.

Aianto comes in on any sweeper. Befriends. They kill him. I bring in Shandera. They are stuck with a Truant guy while I protect on their attacking turns and set up on their slacking turns. If I survive, stay in to see if they switch. If not, continue strategy. If they switch to a Pokemon without priority, Befriend again. If they have priority, leave.
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