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5000th post shoutouts!!!!

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Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
So I've been on these boards around a year and four months, and I've spammed with the best of em, smashed with some of the best, and had more fun just talking to all of the amazing people I've met here than almost anything I've ever done. Before I give my shoutouts, I'd like to say thank you so much to the smash community as a whole, you guys are what make this game awesome and keep me coming back for more!

I don't know lots of people and where the mid-south goes yet, but I'll try to keep everyone in the same category. =p

Also, the shoutouts will be Melee-only (cept for NC cuz all bros are equal) because there are too many as it is and because Melee allowed me to meet people and have fun way more than Brawl did and still does.

SOUTH CAROLINA (the rebel state)

Kidd/Holymarth/only other guy that dares to play red Mario in front of me: You have always been too cool to me man, from my first OOS tournament wayyyy back in early 07, to.....early 08 (lol). Your dedication to Mario is, and will be, an inspiration. I hope you are comin with it at HERB, as well as your Brawl Peach with your untouchable techniques!

TRC: We had a bad time, we had a good time, but I always respected you for saying such funny stuff and being a beast no matter what. We gotta meet up sometime soon man, SC is so close to me!

Scha- You're close enough to a SC smasher because I go to your SC tournies lol. Thanks for being too cool all the time and running Melee tournies in the thick of Brawl. That Doc of yours is so effin good, my Mario wants your Bair.

Yoshido: Mad props for maining Yoshi man. I understand the need to Falco some fools for backup though, so if you ever need any help with him, don't hesitate to ask. I'm glad that smash got you a baby-Yoshi maker (XD), and I couldn't be happier for you.

Everlasting Yay: The life of the party! Even without your Burger King hat, your Hannah Montana shirt, or your various doo-rags, you're still too cool and Pichu. Our man matches were the coolest things ever, and I hope we get the chance to play again real soon. But seriously, Pichu *****. His grab range will f*ck some bros up. Stay pimpin dude.

GEORGIA (the tea state)

Ga Wes- Now I haven't actually said two words to you yet, but all of the NC bros say you're cool, and you main Falcon, and you ****, so I'm doing the math and you're definitely a bro. Good shiz on comin back and revamping GA's Melee scene. I'm interested to see what else you're going to do for manliness and justice next.

Nicaboy- You missed me at TO4. Boo.

SleepyK- You work so hard for us smashers man, and I appreciate it. That setup at TO4 looked like it was a very tedious and tiring effort, so good stuff on helping us out with the live feed and recordings. You've been so chill to me (thanks for being too good after that one thing, you know the one), and you've been doing so well in Melee lately. We gotta meet up again sometime soon man, TO5 (hopefully I'm going) is certainly not close enough.

Cornel- Not only do you do sick spacies tricks (I'm slightly jealous =p), but you have a good America and you're too cool on top of that. Thanks for the tips wayyyy back in March of last year, and I can't wait to see you and your **** characters soon.

Dogysamich- My favorite struck match if there ever was one. I was trying not to laugh with your commentary on teams finals at TO4, but you and Yay make an AMAZING commentary duo. You guys should do MLG for sure. Oh I almost forgot, your Doc does some nasty stuff too, good shiz man.

Chaddd- How is Ganon so good? =p We never did our 1 cent MM, but we should play at the possible opportunity regardless because you're too good. You've held it down on the boards and all too, which is really tough (especially these days), so good shiz for that too.

Fullmetal Mike- I feel like I inspired your Marth to get better after that unfortunate FD wavecheat in SC. =p If not, then you're still too good for improving even now and gunnin for whuppin my tail. Your Marth can do it, I know, so just keep ****** man. Thanks for hosting TO4, and for letting the Catfish bathe in your house.

Mike G- The man and the legend. It was so good to meet you bro, even though I don't think we said much at all to each other. It was so generous of you to let LoZR have your sword for free too. I have met few people so cool about pretty much everything. Hope to see you again sometime man.

Soft- Jiggz is so gay lol, but you make the most of it. Thanks for the close matches in SC, and I'm interested to see how much you're going to improve in the future. Also, thanks for helping me decide to main Falco back in 08. Good idea. XD

Tom- Brod, you are too good. The smashing at Fullmetal's was fun, and our Waffle House experience ***** those other guys at Subway. Thanks for being so chill man, and I can't wait to see you at HERB!

Mid-South area (the not state thing)

Nes N00b- Don't be such an attitude noob lol. You're really good man. You beat LoZR in Falcon dittos, and LoZR almost beat Darkrain in Falocn dittos in tournament. You beat my Falco the first match we played when I already had plenty of Falcon experience. You're a fun guy and you have a nasty Falcon, keep it up bro.

Nite- We got to talk at the Steak n Shake, which was awesome. Falcos gotta stick together after all. You're definitely too cool man, and I really want to ditto you the next time we meet up. Keep ****** man.

Pikachad- Wow wtf Pikachu is so freakin good! That story about you vs M2K has made me hate Randall forever lol, good shiz. You're definitely too good with Pika and it's so cool to see someone repping low tiers that hard. I really want to play you soon, that doubles match wasn't enough for me!

Ihavespaceballs- Aww yeah! That story is so effin good lol. Your Samus is too good btw. It was pretty odd to play against, but maybe that's just Samus lol. I really liked yo hat, and I hope we can chill again sometime.

Iori- I'm workin on the vids bro, I promise! Anyways, your Mewtwo is sick. I'm so glad we got to do 2/3 of a set lol (that sucked). You're certainly a cool bro, and it would be really fun to play you again.

CALIFORNIA(the fruit state)

Lumpycpu: Kenny I'm waiting in bed waiting for you right now and thinking "I wonder if he likes bananas. Mmmmmmm...."

CANADA (the leafy healthcare area)

Kage- Thanks for not killing me. =p Seriously though, your Ganon is too good. Thanks for putting up with my spacy nonsense bro. Hope to see you soon man so you can get me back.

RaynEX- Thanks for the Falco tips and for lying to me about going to HERB bro. =p You're mad beast though, so I won't push my luck.

VA (tope's beard)

Tope- nice beard and Sheik. I hope you liked your cheese Danish.

Cyrain- Your hair is too sexy too. Yeah and that Marth dash away from my firebird to WD back Nair was genius lol. It's fun talkin to you man. Hopefully more of that happens soon.

Kadaj- Wazzzzzzzup.

Black G- That sweetener pack thing you did was SO funny lol.

Toasty- You're a really cool bro. Your nachos ****, you know Ness trixies, and you can guzzle syrup for over a minute! Gahhhhhh dang! Too good lol. You always improve when you work hard at stuff bro, so I'm ready for that Fox and Marth beast of yours to come on out and start beatin some tail. Thanks for being so much fun to hang with to dude, it's nice to know NC isn't the only party smash scene lol.

FLORIDA (the sunshinespike state)

Linguini- Your Ganon is so beast against Falco. Good shiz man. Thanks for teaching me I still have to watch out for good players in a matchup I thought I ***** at. I've learned my lesson though, and I'm ready to show you what I've learned. Hopefully we can play in the near future.

Frames- Brooooooood, you're so cool. Too good in person, too good on the boards. I was impressed by your Fox in the TO4 vids too man, be sure to bring that sexiness with you to HERB aight?

Lambchops- One of THE sexiest Falcos I have ever seen. I realllllly wish we could have played more at TO4, but I'm gonna try to get as many games in as possible with you at HERB if you decide to go to compensate. You're even too funny man, how do you do it? Keep it real bro.

Col Bol- My chances for money at TO4, wrecked by this crazy-a$$ kindergartener. =p Your Fox is amazing to watch, and I couldn't help but go "that was so sexy!" when you shine Usmashed me in our tourney match lol. Thanks for all of the matches afterwards too, they were so much fun. It's nice to see top placers with attitudes like yours. Can't wait for our rematch at HERB!

Hungrybox- My spam rival and possibly my weakest matchup lol. You have my respect. Thanks for teaching me that I have to focus and keep myself composed in a tournament setting man, I'm going to see how much I've learned in our rematch at HERB! Should be fun man.

And, finally, NORTH MUTHA F*CKIN CAROLINA!!!!! (land of the bros, Catfish, and hot jail-bait)

Malk- There have been so few people in my life that have changed me as much as you have. Thanks for always teaching me about the brighter side to life every time you do something. I hope I can use what I've learned from you as best as I can.

ph00tbag- I will win your hat one of these days...unless it's in 64. Lol but seriously, it's always fun to see you man. <3

Ace- Definitely a bro if I ever knew one. Between your sayings, your attitude on so many things, and your Ganon, you are such a cool bro to know. Sheik n Beak is top tier.

Karn- You confuse me sometimes, **** me with Mewtwo never (except that one match vs my Mario, you know the one), and are awesome always. It is soooo much fun hanging out with you man, and your Marth ain't half bad neitha. Good luck with your philosophy degree, and I wish you the best of luck in all that you do.

Billbillbillbro- If you read this, Olimar sucks. Too bad this thread will be closed before you can argue with me heeheeehee. Thanks for hosting such fun tournies and for saying that bros can be slightly homo.

Triforce- You guys are too cool, even though it's been at least half a year since I've seen you. Good luck with Halo.

Darksyde- I ain't never seen Falcon/gayness/Floppy Chops(rofl) like this before. Such a good phrase. Those dances were so funny, even when I think of them now I can't help but chuckle a little. Your Falcon is too good too man. We'll have to hang some more asap bro, it was fun.

Pacstrifer- An original and a regulator. Thanks for teaching me so much about respect and the natural order of things man. I hope you'll actually come in to a tourney one day half-drunk and reminisce about the old NC smash scene man. That would be too good. =p

ZIO- The dedicated bro on the sidelines. The little that we've talked has been enjoyable bro, and I'm impressed by your commitment to the scene as a whole. Your Catfish videos and sigs have been too good for advertising or fun, so thanks for your contributions man.

Chocolate Thunder- Thunda Buck, I am impressed with you and your Yoshi skills. You are also one of the funniest people I have ever met man, please keep that carefree attitude with you for the rest of your life bro.

Shady Penguin- We basically had phone sex that one time, but we talked about Brawl too so it was kinda tough for me. =p It was nice to finally meet you man, and I hope to see you around much more. You're a very chill bro, and your intelligence is interesting. See you around mang.

Krackshot Kroc- You are the only bro getting a shoutout without me remembering your face at all lol. Our phone convos are too good, esp those three ways (you know the ones). I respect your decision to stick with Brawl over Melee, and I hope to play you in either soon man.

Foxy- Nice Jiggz and MK lol. =p Seriously, you have an interesting way of applying your intellect, and I'd like to see where that takes you in smash and life. See you around man.

FOXY'S SISTER OMG WHAT A HOTTIE!!!!!1: It was nice to meet you Sekana. Don't be fooled by Malk, he's really out to get you, but I'm not.

Knorr: Even though you may never see this bro, you were always amazing to hang with, and your DK was pretty nasty. Thanks for helping to make NC smash so much fun man.

PLUR- You're always so much fun to hang out with man! Sausage waiter and IHOP and that guy with the mask. Too good. You need to get out to see us more man, it's really not the same without you! Don't ever lose your good sense of humor ok? We need that ish.

Zero Gamer- RSLG, you have a pretty aggressive Lucario. In Melee, your Fox is definitely gonna get there man, you just have to let others help you out some and not be so reclusive. Bros don't bite (unless you're Foxysis). Oh, and thanks for the fun Halo games a while back. I'll pick back up on that mess soon enough lol.

Vilt- You sacrifice a good bit for the NC scene. Don't think I don't notice. You're always fun to watch or play with at tournies, and your enthusiasm is contagious like Malk's dancing. We'll have to smash together at HERB if I don't play you a lot at Billfest man. Good luck with your finances bro, and lemme know if you need to keep the change from an extra 20 I may hand you next time you're about to leave to get food for everyone.

BEHR- I love yo crazy mexican dances and Biiiiig **** lol. Your Fox is also getting pretty good, soon I'll have to go back to Mario to stand a chance! XD You're always fun to smash with bro, and thanks for calling sodas ****.

Onlymaskde- Why the f*ck is you leaving bro???? Lol kidding. You have gotten so beast with Falcon lately, and I can't wait to see the skills you're gonna take with you to CT. You're always so polite and gracious to me too, inspite of my overkills and other gay stuff. Props for being too good all-around.

Twig- Buck up, stack it up, ali's noise, big baaaby, stack it up again. Your phrases are epic and so is your Utilt. Our encounters have been few and very far between, but they're impossible to forget. You're too cool to hang with, and you always seem to know what's up. Keep it real nukka.

Corey- One of the O-est OGs ever. Sucks that you're so busy man because you're fun to talk to and smash with, but you gotta have your priorities in order. Thanks for writing up that article on the birth of NC smash, it made me so happy to read it. I hope everything is going well with your GF and New Zealand and all that too bro. Good luck in your future endeavors.

Lu$- I saw you beat Ali on Green Greens. Good shiz.

Peter- You're so smart in smash bro. Walking is top tier. Your teamwork is so good too man. I dunno how you come up with some of that stuff but it's sexy. Good shiz for showing me up in mattress-carrying, as well as being a bro. I'm so glad you got back into Melee!

Ali- Japes is still gay lol. Thanks for lettin me smash at your place so much, it's always been a learning experience. Arab Money is everywhere in dat place, ah swear. Don't get discouraged in Falcon bro, you're too smart with him man. If Darkrain can win TO4, then you can **** people too. PS your roomy is chill.

Jim- My british, black, fro-mongering, Ganon-maining bro. From my first fest at your place to Foxy's tourney last weekend, you have been improving and have always been cool to me. Thank you so much for being such a freaking bro and for chilling with mah dumb white azz. Btw I still have the high score in Hungry Hungry Hippos, but I saw you trying to beat it in my car.

Stingers- What can I say but oh lol oh. You were so helpful to me when I first wanted to get into smash, inviting me to your place and all. Thank you so much for being so cool to me and for being fun to hang around. Your ROB is beast man, don't let me get you down. Your Melee skills are getting there bro, if you got much recorded, I'll def. critique it for you. I sincerely hope that everything works out with your family btw. I know you don't show it, but things have to be tough. Be strong like I know you can man.

Dark Hart- From STYKz (this is like lightning Melee!) to Jubilee (I'm so as good as Forward!) to Billfest (hey you guys shut up!) to Foxy's (I'm really pissed off!), you've always been so mellow. Thanks for putting up with NC's "hate" spam towards you. You know we love you bro, and the scene would not be the same without you. You have a good heart filled with Bro Love, and your Fox got shine-Baired by my Fox. You're too good. Thanks for being a bro to everyone.

LoZR- Ahhhh, Catfish. You are too dang good in Melee man. Catfish comboing some fools left and right, but you always had time to friendly me, even back at my first NC tournament in October of 07. Thank you so much for having faith in me man, look at how much your kindness repaid you at TO4! You're always so chill man, I hope we get plenty more chances to hang out before we finally have to go our separate ways.

Malk- There have been so few people in my life that have changed me as much as you have. Thanks for always teaching me about the brighter side to life every time you do something. I hope I can use what I've learned from you as best as I can.

If there was someone I missed, then I'm sorry but this took a while for me since I like to take my time with this sort of thing. Just lemme know and I'll post it up here and in the thread.

Thanks again smash community for being too good!

Mike G

███████████████ 100%
Oct 3, 2002
The Salt Mines, GA
great post and thanks for the love but..

5000 posts from 07!? GADDD DAMMM!! stop beasting!!!!!!!

Good stuff PP and keep melee alive the beast bird. lol


Smash Lord
Jan 22, 2008
Broboro, NC
:colorful: :colorful:

PP, thanks for basically being the life of the NC threads and such a good bro. I'm sorry I'm gonna be leaving you soon, but you'll be in my heart forever. <3 Keep on going strong with that beak shot (as Alex would say).


Smash Champion
Jul 23, 2006
Raleigh, NC
I thought I was known for spamming, I don't even have 2000 :C

oh yeah and,
I love you PP this made me cry! :]

Dr Peepee

Thanks for Everything <3
Sep 29, 2007
Raleigh, North Carolina
Ah...um, I Mapquested it but I forgot lol.

Checked again, and it says 2 hours and 15 minutes.

Greenville is about 1 hour and 20 minutes from me though, and about 1 hour and 45 minutes from you it looks like. Maybe we can meet up at Kidd's place to save both of us some distance or something?
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