so, I've played the demo here's what I think now:
1. Circle pad is really nice, A LOT better than I expected.
2. Shoulder buttons suck.
3. No c-stick = URGHHH
I think, however, that a 2DS with a controller/Trigger Grip is the most ideal
1. 2ds is one solid system = no breakable hinge
2. face buttons on the 2ds are better, end of story.
3. w/ the trigger grip offered at gamestop the trigger, AND the grip of the system feels AMAZING.
4. controls are centered between the two screens instead of just of the bottom portion, feels a lot more natural
5. Still no c-stick but better than regular 3ds
6. cheaper
7. not awkward like everyone makes it out to be (then again i like the xbox one controller so maybe im just weird)
Even so I will definately look into using a GC controller on my normal 3ds because I love the Gamecube controller