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35 char roster creator admit to faking?


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
I saw this on another thread:

the 35 char roster was decomfirmed on gamefaqs forums. the guy
who made it say he made it up and his friends thought it was real
so he ran with that to see how far it would get him.
I didnt see anything on GameFaqs though, so idk if it is true.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Considering that roster has no one "creator" but rather comes independently from at least two unrelated sources (PortraitofRuin on GameFAQs and a compilation of NyaseNya, ChaosZero, and ShadowXOR's leaks here by ChronoBound), I'd say thats pretty well impossible.



Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
if it has no single creator then where did it come from?

Can somebody link the the very first post it was ever featured in?


Smash Lord
Oct 10, 2007
if it has no single creator then where did it come from?

Can somebody link the the very first post it was ever featured in?


Smash Apprentice
Dec 26, 2007
ChronoBound is a good, reputable speculator and analyst. I'm sick of seeing people shoving blame on him for the *******ery of the GameFAQs mob.

sir bert leaman

Smash Rookie
Nov 24, 2006
ChronoBound was the compiler. He based the list off of various prophets that seemed to have over-lapping info. From there, the Neogaf'ers gave it a thumbs up.

At least, that's my understanding...


Smash Cadet
Jan 7, 2008
So wait, this entire leak is cobbled together from whatever a few dozen random "leakers" happen to agree on? So the list is based on the idea that these dozens of people all leaked some good info and some bad info.

Do you understand how ******** that is? If all these people had access to real information, there's no reason for so many of them to release a bunch of unrelated false info at the same time as good info. Simply disregarding what the prophets don't agree on doesn't make what they DO agree on true.


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Alright, here, I'll type up a full explanation of where this roster came from.

The first piece of the roster's origins is perhaps our earliest credible leaker, NyaseNya. Shes a member here who, three days before Sonic's Dojo update, posted on our Sonic thread that she had just learned that his update had been moved from its originally intended date near the release to that Wednesday, though she didn't know why (we of course since learned this is because of the first delay). As we all know, she was proven correct. She went on to give various uninteresting tidbits of info about Brawl's development, including the semi-interesting claim that it would be on a dual-layered disk; then a little over a month later gave a leak regarding characters: she said there would be 35 characters (excluding transformations), confirmed the presence of Olimar, Toon Link ("WW" Link to most of you), Ness, and Mr Game & Watch, said that Olimar would have a pikmin-based whip-like attack, and claimed Mega Man was not in and that Ridley was most likely just a subspace boss. Needless to say, she got a lot of hateful responses to this, and Gimpy edited her post to say she was faking and locked her thread. A week or so later she came back and claimed to have learned that Brawl would be delayed again in the US, again received a lot of flaming, and hasn't been seen since. As you can see, a number of her claims have since come true (Ness, Olimar w/ Pikmin Chain, delay, most likely Mega Man is out based on the Inafune podcast).

Second is another credible leaker, ChaosZero from GameFAQs. On Halloween, he posted that Wolf, Falco, Lucario, Sheik, Captain Falcon, and Ness were in, Final Destination was back, Mewtwo was out, and gave a precise description of the Dragoon item. As we've seen, most of what he has said has since been proven true - Sheik, Lucario, and Ness have recently been revealed, the Dragoon is now well-known, Final Destination has just been either confirmed or heavily hinted at, and although it isn't technically confirmation Serebii has heavily hinted that Mewtwo being cut is true.

Third is a less-known leaker, ShadowXOR. He was a consistent poster over on ChronoBound's character analysis thread, and during the wave of false "prophets" commented that a few were either very lucky or real based on what he knew. Obviously, this prompted other posters to question him, and eventually he said that he had been told that Captain Falcon, Ness, Marth, and R.O.B. were in. He didn't immediately go too public with this, since he didn't want to be flamed like all the other "prophets," but eventually someone must have convinced him to, since he mentioned this in the leak index thread and made single topic about it on GameFAQs. ChronoBound, myself, and probably a few others believe him based on what we've seen of his posts - I at least am absolutely convinced he is not the typical attention-mongering fake leaker we've seen, and if hes wrong its due to misinformation, not lying. In any event, one of his claims, Ness, has since been proven true.

Using the above three, ChronoBound compiled the 35 character roster for the first time, although he only posted it fairly deep in his own thread and didn't do anything else with other than say "if these three are right, this is our roster :ohwell: ."

Sometime later (I'm not sure when, but shortly before NeoGaf entered the picture I believe), another leaker showed up on GameFAQs, PortraitofRuin, who is known for leaking his namesake game. He claimed to know the full roster and the exact order on the character select screen it would appear in. By now you've all seen this, since a mock-up has been made of it, but it corresponded perfectly with ChronoBound's compilation, and seems to fit with the recently-leaked images of the starting roster as well. He also claimed Ridley, Takamaru, Krystal, and Isaac are not playable. As far as is known, he is not active on these boards, and so it is highly unlikely at best that he saw the one or two posts ChronoBound made with that compiled roster before he showed up.

Most recently (over the last weekend), we have NeoGaf enter the picture, and it is because of these guys that the roster became as prolific as it is now. MarkMan posted on one of their threads in a way that implied he had inside knowledge of the game, and when questioned was willing to admit that he knew there would be 35 characters, 41 stages, and that Sonic was "a b*tch to unlock" (his exact words). Another poster, Reno, claimed this fit with information he had as well. MarkMan went on to say that there were no unknown third-party characters, Ridley was out, Falco and Wolf were playable (and not alternate costumes), and "Wind Waker" Link was in. Reno affirmed these claims, and shortly thereafter posted a complete list of newcomers, which was essentially those they'd already mentioned plus the Dojo's, Lucario, and R.O.B. He went on to affirm Marth's presence by correcting someone's final roster compiled based on their claims, essentially confirming the same 35 character roster ChronoBound had compiled and PortraitofRuin had leaked. These two are both well-known leakers on NeoGaf who have given information about a number of games (apparently in Reno's case mostly fighting ones), and if they are wrong they will be IP-banned there, as is that forum's policy, so they stand to take a major loss (both of their credible reputation and their accounts on that forum) if they're wrong.

Interestingly, one of NeoGaf's mods, sp0rsk, stood up for them, saying "Reno is not lying." Now, most of NeoGaf's mods are members of the gaming industry, so its likely at least one of them does know whether this is true or not, which makes this significant (plus if they IP ban members spreading misinformation about upcoming games, you've got to imagine they have similar policy for mods, so this isn't something sp0rsk would do lightly).

Also interestingly, once the NeoGaf leak got out, Serebii stated that he could not deconfirm it, although he had done so for many other leaks. He did add that he thought it seemed to small, but that since he does not know the full roster, he cannot be sure if it is real. Oh, and though he did not say it outright, his post upon learning of the Lucario leak very heavily implied that the implication of Mewtwo's removal people had drawn from his past posts was true.

And thats most of what I know about this. Theres a few more tidbits associated with a couple of the leakers, mostly Nya, but little of it relevant and none of it confirmed (some of it will probably never be known if its true or not). As you can guess, I've been following this for a while, and all I've seen of it has me pretty well convinced this is the real deal. Theres just too much overlap among the leakers and too much evidence that they're credible for me to believe otherwise, not matter that I wish it weren't so.



Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Zevox, the mock-up picture came after all the predictions. The mock-up is interesting because of character positioning. The 2chan pic of the "starting roster" also came after all the predictions (and after the mockup)


Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007
Zevox, the mock-up picture came after all the predictions. The mock-up is interesting because of character positioning. The 2chan pic of the "starting roster" also came after all the predictions (and after the mockup)
I'm aware. Why, was including it with the info about PortraitofRuin confusing? It seemed the most appropriate place to put it, given he was the only one to claim to know the precise order of the character select screen.



Smash Lord
Sep 19, 2007

This is what the thread title refers to. I doubt all his info is true, but I can't verify it, since all the servers are operating so slow.
Okay, so ChronoBound made a post on Gamespot noting that he was the first person to compile the roster. How do we get from this to someone claiming they are its sole author and that it is fake? Because theres no such thing in that thread.



Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2008
Yeah, he confirmed it fake. I've been trying to tell you guys that.


Smash Apprentice
Nov 25, 2007
“And now, your highness, we will discuss the locat
Unfortunatly, I think not.

At first, with this "roster", I was quite disappointed and immature. I was thinking.... "Toon Link and ROB instead of Issac and Krystal??? I DON'T THINK SO!!!"

But now, it seems, it is quite possible that this is true.

I just pray it is not true, however unlikely that may seem now.


Smash Lord
May 23, 2007
Zevox's epic post should be stickied here, GameFAQs, IGN, and every other Smash board inbetween.
I agree. Also Chronobound never said he made the mock up list nor did he say it's fake. He's saying "i found it first" and wants to be credited as the first one to "leak" the full roster.

Japanese Monk

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
@saltwater gem

yeah, im really getting sick and tired of seeing people post, "OMG CHRONOBOUND ADMITS HIS ROSTER IS FAKE!!!111" or another variation, "that image is fake because I found the same falcon pic on google!!!11"

Next time I see that its really going to piss me off.


Smash Journeyman
May 26, 2007
Zevox, you are a mean person for being so rational. But I salute you for being so civil about yanking my dreams out of my butt and feeding them to doves (because that is what you have done even though I know you mean no harm at all :D ).

Hell and ****ation. I am now sorely hoping for DC rather than a 35-disproving char update. I've heard some person in Japan is supposed to get the game early and will upload stuff on Friday (confirmation of this?) so I DEARLY hope my wishes will be fulfilled/crushed FOREVER by then. I can handle the disappointment, especially if Nintendo are smart and offer DC later, but its the doubt and yo-yoing that is eating me.

Japanese Monk

Smash Journeyman
Oct 17, 2007
Zevox, you are a mean person for being so rational. But I salute you for being so civil about yanking my dreams out of my butt and feeding them to doves (because that is what you have done even though I know you mean no harm at all :D ).

Hell and ****ation. I am now sorely hoping for DC rather than a 35-disproving char update. I've heard some person in Japan is supposed to get the game early and will upload stuff on Friday (confirmation of this?) so I DEARLY hope my wishes will be fulfilled/crushed FOREVER by then. I can handle the disappointment, especially if Nintendo are smart and offer DC later, but its the doubt and yo-yoing that is eating me.
Well. Not true. Apparently, queensaki
the one who uploaded the 9 sec roster vid, told everyone that she found it off a mobile phone site and reformatted it for youtube.

Then ANOTHER user by the name of socunai favorited this video. Many people mistakingly went to his home youtube page instead and asked him questions. He then responded with this after many messages in Chinese/Japanese???

socunai | January 22, 2008
Don't worry I will have vids and pics hopefully friday, because I need to buy a new webcam or something to use.

I will try to translate as much as i can. I can speak about 70% english on my own.(this not using translater to translate ur messages) and i write them on my own.
So two different people. This guy is most likely fake, but most people believe him because A) they've been redirected to his page and they think it was the original, and B) he lives in Hong Kong where many people get early releases of the game. (supposedly)


Mar 16, 2007
ChronoBound still can't be said to be the first to leak the roster. He's just the first to make a speculative roster that is widely confirmed by many reliable sources.


Smash Journeyman
Jan 23, 2008
I hope for a deconfirmation too, but regardless of some guy saying "it was all a planned ruse by ME," the two NeoGAF leakers, MarkMan and Reno, both have sick credibility. Pretty much anyone could come on and say 'oh, that leak? Uh...I made that! Yep. Deconfirmed. No need to consult the people who actually posted it!"

Before anyone says anything: why yes, I do have only two posts. How good of you to notice.

Doesn't exactly invalidate anything I say or mean to argue or discuss.


Smash Hero
Sep 20, 2006
I agree. Also Chronobound never said he made the mock up list nor did he say it's fake. He's saying "i found it first" and wants to be credited as the first one to "leak" the full roster.
Thank you Zevox for that really long epic post explaining the situation. Also, I probably should not have made that topic saying that I was the first one to put together the infamous 35 character roster, it was arrogant on my part. However, a lot of people at GameFAQS/GameSpot are under the impression that PortraitOfRuin made the roster.


Smash Journeyman
Mar 19, 2007
It's been said, but I must thank you Zevox for taking the time to write that elaborate post detailing the progression of events in this Roster ordeal. I had a vague idea of how it's developed but I didn't know all the facts.

so again, thanks :)


Smash Lord
Apr 4, 2004
Socal 805 (aka Hyrule)
For all the debate over the 35 character roster, people need to accept that the game will probably only have 35-40 characters.

Not some rididulous number.


Smash Lord
Jun 4, 2005
Vancouver, BC
Zevox, that's an amazing post and one that definitely should have its own thread. I never paid attention to most leaks. Heard about the ChaosZero thing and I think I remember something or another about NyaseNya but that's about it. I started looking into things a bit more after the NeoGAF things. If you want to know how likely this is, the roster Reno commented on saying I was missing Marth was mine (I didn't have Marth or Luigi on the roster and instead had 2 missing spots which I guessed were likely them). I have never seen ChronoBound's list so obviously if more than one person are arriving at the same conclusion in a logical manner...

But yeah, make a thread please. There are a lot of threads that shouldn't be threads, but that post definitely deserves to be seen. Good history of what we're at now.


Smash Ace
Dec 1, 2005
The NeoGAF leak is completely, 100% unrelated to ChronoBound's list. MarkMan and Reno themselves named Falco, Wolf, Marth, WW Link, and R.O.B as playable. They also confirmed when somebody listed the whole roster for verification.
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