Again, I personally see my position as less of an assumption and more of a reaction to the information presented. I have nothing against Falcon personally and, as evident by an older post of mine in this thread, I was far more optimistic about him. I see your stance as operating under the assumption that Falcon has potential before you consider what the results mean.You're right that this could be me just being stubborn, but I don't really see how your side of the argument is much better in this situation.
For instance, lets consider the multiple styles of Falcon. On one hand, you could say that Falcon has a lot of potential variety like you pointed out, but I could just as easily turn that around and say that 20GX and S2J are hitting the same wall with totally different styles; implying that the way you play the character simply won't solve the issues with the character.
I think your point with ICs is pretty fair, but I don't think the meta has changed that drastically since then. In fact, a lot of pros like PPMD have pointed out that the play in 2014 was better at top level. The biggest changes haven't really been so much the gods advancing, but the next tier of players leveling the field. In any case, Chu Dat's evo run and some solid showings from Nintendude bode well for the characters' results at majors (at least at the present time).
I think Axe has shown that his character isn't a gimmick and that Pikachu can do it. He took Armada to game 5 at Eclipse. He has shown a great ability to adapt and defeat opponents who have had his number in the past such as SFAT and MACD. He has taken several sets off the gods. I think its hard to believe that if his character was truly limiting him it wouldn't have shown up by now.