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2 part KO Combo.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Yep. I would think this has been thought of before, but I don't see anything about it anywhere really. Anywhoo, Legan and I were playing, and he says it seems like a good idea, so I feel I should share the idea with you all.

Basically, with the Bomb's new power, it launches the opponent upwards a good deal. This is where the idea comes in. How about tossing a bomb down, and do a Dair, so the bomb blast forces them into it? Or just drop the bomb, whatever works for you. As long as they are under you when they are hit by it, it should work.

It's not just an idea, I've been getting this to work against a number of people, good players at that. I'd like you all to try this youselves and see how well you can get it to work. It's a simple thing, but it gets the job done quite nicely if I do say so myself.

So please, tell me your thoughts on this, and how useful you think it really is.


Smash Rookie
May 4, 2008
I always do that on the sangbag in the waiting room. I never try it against people though. It's too risky for me, most people just dodge the bomb or shield it.


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Yeah, there's one problem with it. I tend to reserve it for only when I have a near 100% feeling that the bomb will connect. And if it doesn't, hopefully the bomb will keep them busy enough for me to get out of the Dair unpunished.

(edited for typos that annoyed me >.>)


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Bomb to d-air?
D-air to Bomb.
at the very end lol

Bomb to d-air has been done.
5:13 and with footstool!

It's easily avoidable, but it looks cool.
Hey aAndy, are you the Link with screename BooM? Pyro was telling me on MSN that I should play you if you are.

Yeah, I figured most of you would know about it already, but I just wanted to make sure. I didn't get to play much anyone in Melee so I'm finding out more stuff now with online than I ever got to before.

But, I'm still thinking it is somewhat useful. Not to be used often at all, but still a plausible KO tactic.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 3, 2006
Calumet City, Chicago IL
I listed that combo 1st, anyway that should be known by any Link mainer, I've doing it since Melee as "Jump, FToss, 2ndJump to Dair", somewhat easier in Melee cause of the low boom, but now with Brawl's BOOM it mostly works while over opponent and you have to drop or toss it on opponent's sides because if the bomb hits the opponent's head it may randomly lift them left or right and probably you'll miss the Dair, but if the bomb hit them on a side then you'll know where to 2ndJump for the Dair to kill.
also you can do it without the 2ndJump but if the opponent shields your Dair near ground you'll end up stocked.

Another thing I use bombs for is to lift my opponent to Gale'em back to me and smash or Spin them good, just with Bomb in hand throw the Gale over them and time the Bomb toss then charge a Smash or Spin.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 5, 2008
Staten Island, New York
Yep. I would think this has been thought of before, but I don't see anything about it anywhere really. Anywhoo, Legan and I were playing, and he says it seems like a good idea, so I feel I should share the idea with you all.

Basically, with the Bomb's new power, it launches the opponent upwards a good deal. This is where the idea comes in. How about tossing a bomb down, and do a Dair, so the bomb blast forces them into it? Or just drop the bomb, whatever works for you. As long as they are under you when they are hit by it, it should work.

It's not just an idea, I've been getting this to work against a number of people, good players at that. I'd like you all to try this youselves and see how well you can get it to work. It's a simple thing, but it gets the job done quite nicely if I do say so myself.

So please, tell me your thoughts on this, and how useful you think it really is.
its def a good move, i've been doing it since when brawl first came out so its not really new


Smash Master
Mar 17, 2006
On top of Milktea
Really DI dependent unless you catch them during the bomb's hitstun, in which case the bomb didn't give them extra height. When it works it's cool though.

Crooked Crow

drank from lakes of sorrow
Jun 11, 2007
Hey aAndy, are you the Link with screename BooM? Pyro was telling me on MSN that I should play you if you are.
Yep, that's me. Unfortunately, I don't own a Wii, so I only get "practice" when I play with friends or in tournaments. I could probably go to Pyro's house and play you online from there though =D

Agreed with Skler. If they just DI the bomb, then the d-air can't hit.. And the hitstun the bomb gave them obviously won't last very long. The set up also seems difficult because getting yourself above them isn't easy with Link's jumps and they won't just stand there under you.

So footstooling seems like the best option <_< good luck with that


Smash Ace
Aug 7, 2007
under a rock
Yep, that's me. Unfortunately, I don't own a Wii, so I only get "practice" when I play with friends or in tournaments. I could probably go to Pyro's house and play you online from there though =D

Agreed with Skler. If they just DI the bomb, then the d-air can't hit.. And the hitstun the bomb gave them obviously won't last very long. The set up also seems difficult because getting yourself above them isn't easy with Link's jumps and they won't just stand there under you.

So footstooling seems like the best option <_< good luck with that
Hehe, yeah ok. Next time you're at Pyro's we should then.

And I suppose DI would ruin it pretty good. lol. I guess the only times I've really used it was when the opponent did a stupid roll, so I just threw where they would be and yeah, that whole number.

Blah, footstooling, yeah right. xD Though possible... *begins to ponder if he can master footstooling* >.> <.<


Smash Rookie
Jan 19, 2008
Something I love doing with Link using his down air.

Pull out a Bomb, and then throw his Boomerang diagonally upwards behind you opponent, When the Gale boomerang comes back, throw the bomb at them which will knock them upwards. They're stunned and now the Gale Boomerang drags them higher into the air, giving you a change to plant a Dair. I think you have to react quickly and jump fast to get the dair off, most likely as soon as you thow the bomb so you can match their height. I'm not sure if you have to Tilt or Smash the Boomerang when thrown though. Maybe both will work. Of course you don't have to Dair, I guess other aerials work.

Unfourtunately this is really hard to pull off.

They can roll behind the Boomerang when it returns, then can just shield the bomb, and even if they do get hit and dragged by the force of your Boomerang, I'm pretty sure they can just air dodge to avoid your Dair.

If someone can pull this off in a video against a skilled player, I'd be impressed.

EDIT: It's also pretty awesome to pull off. :D


Tamed Beast
Feb 25, 2006
Boston, Ma
been using that for a while.

i finding jumping backwards over a rushing opponent while dropping the bomb is a good setup for this.
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