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1/10 Orlando Melee + Brawl NOT-Full Results


A.K.A. Disafter
Jul 7, 2007
Dallas, Tx
NOT-Full Results:

There were about 26-30 people in attendance.

Melee Doubles:

1. Hbox + DJ****Nugget (Jiggs and Peach)
2. QDVS + Rx- (Fox/Falcon and Fox/Falcon)
3. Otru + Vijin (Fox and Fox/Jiggs)
4. Garban20 + TedBoosley (Falco/Fox and Marth/Jiggs)

Brawl Doubles:

1. Hbox + Rx- (DDD) (Metaknight)
2. Lio + Mampam (Rob and Toon Link)
3. QDVS + Sheermadness (Falco/Lucario and Kirby)
4. Garban20 + TedBoosley (Wario + Ike)

Melee Singles:

1. HungryBox (Jiggs)
2. Slumdog Millionaire (DK/Ganon)
3. SheerMadness (Falco)
4. Dop (Peach)
5. Zoro (Link/Falco)
5. ManaLord (Marth)

Brawl Singles: (Grand Finals wasn't played out)

1. Rx- (MK)
1. Hungrybox (DDD)
3. Lio (Toon Link and Diddy)
4. Mampam (Rob and Falco)
5. Galuuda (Ice Climbers)
5. Zergum (MK)


Smash Hero
Jun 4, 2006
Upstate NY
Didn't know this topic existed, shoutouts!

Rx - Shame we didn't get to play dude, you seem chill as hell. I'm glad I came it was a lot of fun, maybe we'll see eachother somewhere down the road. Contact me if you're in NY.

QDVS -GFAQs for life man. You're chill as ****. You should rep DK more he's fun as hell. See ya around maybe?

DRD - Don't give up on Doc Mario! He's a cool character but v marth it's really hard, just keep practicing!

falcon dude who asked me for help, action man i think or something- dude keep reppin falcon, heres some stuff i forgot to tell you and percentages i like
v marth-dthrow anywhere from around 60-ish to higher to knee
v sheik-uthrow cg at low percents, uthrow at 100ish percent to full jump knee
v peach- dhthrow around a hundred a lil lower to full jump knee
v fox/falco/falcon!!! forgot to tell you this one it works great if they don't di away almost always a kill, around 100% uthrow to fsmash!!! thats right fsmash **** works im tellin ya

hungrybox's bro/dj ****nugget (i think LOL)- nice sheik dude keep it up, v any falcon tho at around 90+% you gotta DI AWAY hard all the time or uthrow knee is insta kill!

Dop (I think) - nice peach, peaches in new york play differently. I'll go fox next time.

good clux everyone was fun
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