Smash Apprentice
ZeRo says a lot of things.. I have respect for him as a player, but I trust people who grind out hours in the lab for a single character a lot more because they're basically specializing in what I want to know. I'd just take what he says with a grain of salt honestly. Keep experimenting when you get the chance.Maybe I'm being dumb but I'm pretty sure I can still run off reverse needle charge off ledges and platforms.
On a similar note, ZeRo says that needles have more endlag, but I'm not feeling this tbh.
[Edit] Ok , so I played a bunch with needles, and it's likely just a placebo, but maybe there's something to this? needles --> bf works just fine, but I feel that sitting back and spamming single needles might be a tad slower. Again, probably placebo.