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It's not about seeing loads of posts about something, it's about seeing a fan post loads of posts about something while ****ting on something else. One of the reasons why I started playing, say, Cookie Run is being loads of people were talking about it. When I see you post loads of things like this while ****ting on Pokémon, a game I like, and its fans, it absolutely does not make me want to play Yo Kai Watch.

And, hold on, "get the brains to play it?" Isn't the game targeted at children? You're saying people are dumb for not wanting to play Yo Kai Watch and for enjoying Pokémon more. You're not filtering out "weak and dumb" people, you're providing a bad image for your game and its fanbase, and turning people away from it.
I'm allowed to bring up good game design in one game I love while pointing out bad game design in another game I love.
I've done it all the time with Mario and Sonic as well.
If you don't like it, that's your problem. I'm free to post as I please as long as it doesn't infringe on the rules.
I certainly don't know who you're supposed to be, but the things you say don't make me want to encourage you to play Yo-Kai Watch.

So what if the game is targeted towards children?
Doesn't mean it can't still be a hard game. Dragon Quest Monsters is also aimed at kids and its bosses are still tough.
Bad Pokemon players love to tell horror stories about Whitney's Miltank despite her not even being that hard since she just requires basic counterplay skills to beat.
Yo-Kai Watch's bosses especially in Busters can range anywhere from easy to sweat-pouring hard. Kat Kraydel, Mass Mutterer, Orcanos, Zazelmare and several others are known for how grueling they are.

If people want to generalize an entire group of people based on one person, that's also their problem on top of that also being close-minded and weak.
Like I said, I didn't use a complete wad of a person I talked to as an excuse to not play SMT games and I'm not about to use him as some dumb strawman to claim an entire group of people are bad because that's really narrowminded and dumb.

I'm not some spokesperson for the Yo-Kai Watch fandom, dude. I'm just a college student posting on a video game forums website but if you really think I'm that important to influence your decisions so greatly, more power to me, I guess and I'm getting what I want either way by gatekeeping people I'd rather not put up with out, so I win.
I don't see you to be some all-important dictator of games that I do and don't play, and I'm really not sure why you thought that. I spend a lot of time here on Smashboards, and I barely hear any Yo Kai Watch discourse elsewhere. What I'm saying is, is that my current only impression of Yo Kai Watch fans is what your posts have been talking about. Literally nothing in any post of yours suggested that you actually enjoyed playing Pokémon. You talk about Pokémon fans like you're not one, and call players bad for having trouble with one Miltank fight. All sorts of players have different skills. Just because you may find something easy doesn't mean that someone else does. You say that the bosses you mentioned are incredibly tough, but what if someone told you that you're a bad player for finding them difficult when they don't? You're being hypocritical when the same "bad player" logic you're using could be applied to any fight that anyone finds difficult.

I'm also not saying that you can't criticize a game. What I'm saying is thay you're calling people dumb for not wanting to play a game while gatekeeping actually playing it at the same time. Literally no one has to listen to either of our opinions. I don't care whether or not you like Pokémon, but calling its players dumb and weak for having trouble against something while trying to get the same fans to play Yo Kai Watch is going to make some people not want to play the game.

I'm sorry if my pronoun usage in my last reply was suggesting it was only me who might get turned off from a game after seeing these types of posts about it, what I meant was that I was using myself as an example. I don't think that all Yo Kai Watch fans are bad, it's just that the only Yo Kai Watch fan I've ever seen and it's giving me a negative impression. My whole point with the game being "targeted at children" is that you're calling people dumb for not playing it when it is, well, a game targeted at children. You're not smarter than someone because they don't like playing or have trouble playing Yo Kai Watch.
Because you're the one deciding to not play certain games because of some random user on a video games forums website.

No idea why you're judging an entire group of people based on one person. That's just as unfair as claiming all Smash players are child predators based on the few that were exposed as such.

I'd love to hear them say that and would love to see their strategies for accomplishing that due to how hard those bosses are, given most strategies even by top Japanese players use some very hard to get options to be able to beat even the hardest bosses in mere seconds with extremely frame tight teamwork and tons of investment.

Then that's their problem.

Again, it's kinda dumb to judge an entire group off one person. I represent absolutely no one but myself and have never claimed to have otherwise. I also enjoy playing Smash, so why don't you stop playing Smash if you don't like what I say as a Smash far or can you actually follow the practices I've been saying with that example by enjoying Smash completely regardless of other people that play Smash?

I never claimed to be. Doesn't keep if from being a harder game.
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Venus of the Desert Bloom
How I see it is that the more you hyperfocus on it and put on such a high pedestal, the more people will tune you off as a “crazed fan”. Which isn’t obviously the point as you do bring up serious points but it’s already happening based on what I’ve seen. I wanted to portray the perspective from the outside looking in because rarely do we ever consider it. I’m guilty as much as anyone when I think people are interested in what I’m interested in. We rarely consider how we look or “gasp” that what we are interested in is biased based on our own perspective of it. It’s also been proven time and time again that people are heavily influenced by opinions; especially contrary ones.

Unfortunately, that’s just how the world works. I used to constantly talked to my friend how great Parks and Rec is and one day he just blew up on me about to stop talking about the show cause he doesn’t care about it. He said that he doesn’t care if I like it, he hasn’t no interest in it, and to stop talking about it. That felt like a slap in the face and I was pretty salty about it. I even wrote a whole thesis on how Parks and Rec is the best show in the world and planned to read it to him. But, to show how much I did, he kept a tally how much I would talk to him about it. It was to the point it was couple times of day. I decided the friendship was more important than trying to get him to watch the series so I curbed it.

Also a couple years ago I had a student who was obsessed with Pokemon that everything he would say was about it and would disrupt the class. We were doing a number activity for English and he kept using Pokemon as reference numbers. A kid snapped at it and started screaming at him to shut up about pokemon. The kid who screamed got in trouble but for the past two years, this kid would eat like a Pokemon, act like a Pokémon, do math with Pokémon, do social studies with Pokémon, and even tried to convince the other 5th graders they were infract Pokemon. Needless to say, the teachers were asked to help seperate the kids fascination from Pokemon to real world. He just couldn’t do it. Last time I checked, he’s a 10th grader and still just as obsessed with Pokémon and even would yell/berate at people if they didn’t share in his obsession.

These were just examples that I’ve expierenced within my professional life and I don’t think they are wholly applicable to your situation. My original post was an observation that I had based on what I’ve seen here on the site. Of course, you can post about Yokai Watch as much as you want but I can guarantee people will (or are) sick of it and either 1) don’t give a **** about your opinions, 2) tune you out or 3) get fed up enough to call you out. I think both of those are sad yet avoidable turnouts.

Feel free to disregard what I said, feel free to tell me to shut up, or anything you desire - this was a concern I had and something, as a someone who has been like this before, I wanted to address to you.
Yeah honestly I see Yo Kai Watch negatively cause all I've gotten of it is your negative view points while ****ting on my favorite franchise. I know it's cool, but all I associate Yo Kai Watch with now is your negativity.

All your posts seem to be ****ting on Pokemon and it's honestly not enjoyable, I don't feel like trying something when the person telling me to do it is being rude to those who go against him.
I never said I don't want to play Yo Kai Watch because of you. I said you're giving me a bad impression of the game's fanbase and again, I was a little bit too vague because I'm tired and I honestly don't care about this argument anymore, but I meant that when you insult players of one game, it isn't increasing desire to play the game because of how you talk about them, which would be true for literally any two games other than Pokémon and Yo Kai Watch. I don't argue much on the internet, so I had a hard time getting my **** together, but I think you should realize that gatekeeping and being arrogant about a game is dumb as hell.
Venus of the Desert Bloom Venus of the Desert Bloom Of course the kid is out of line for obsessing over video games in a completely inappropriate setting like an English classroom.

I'm posting about video games on a video game forum website where you would expect people to post about video games of their choice. What video game they choose to focus on to post is irrelevant at that point.

That said, I fail to see what that example has to do with anything. Not like I'm posting about Mega Man game design on a forum discussing shower curtain prices even if I DID care about Mega Man.

Pokelego999 Pokelego999 Pokemon is my favorite franchise too. Not really my fault Pokemon has so many negatives that are so easy to rip on. That's Game Freak and TPC's fault. If you don't like content you see, then just block it out and move on. That's what I do.

alexxxela alexxxela
Nah. Gatekeeping keeps people you'd rather not put up with out and it feels great to be good at a game you love especially when it's hard. Having passion and skill is great.

I'll compare games I like in a genre as I please and you really can't do anything to stop me, so I suggest you get over it.

Again, that's completely unfair. Not all Smash fans are child predators.

If you don't want to argue then, don't argue. Nobody's making you reply to other people online. That's your choice.
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Because the kid wouldn’t shut up about Pokemon constantly, the class got annoyed by it and started calling him out on it. I’m pretty sure what you post about does annoy people. Especially when it’s worried in such strong and decisive language “CAN”, “absolute best”, etc. The amount of negativity that you put forth on things you don’t approve on probably does get on people’s nerves. Sure, you can tell people do deal with it but, as I have experienced, you can’t keep telling people to “deal with it” within the workplace or social setting. It’s important to work with people than against them and empathizing with others while showing an interest in what is important them rather than your own will help you out in the long run. I don’t see that from your posts honestly. Just a lot of “it’s my way or the Highway and you are a doofus if you disagree with me.”
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Venus of the Desert Bloom
I do wanna say that I totally understand being negative about things you love; like how yku said with Pokémon. Something you cherish not meeting to the standards you feel should be met can be extremely frustrating. So showing negativity as actually showing appreciation on how it could possibly improve. I view Japan as my home rather than the States and love the country and it’s people tremendously. That being said, I have tons and I mean TONS of gripes about the country, it’s traditions, it’s culture, government, and everything else. Someone looking at it might think I really hate it hut the fact is I love it. I suppose this is perhaps a similar situation with you and Pokemon or perhaps with Yokai Watch 4.
Which is fair because, again, context. Of course you shouldn't be obsessing over talking about Pokemon or any video game in English class where you should be doing English schoolwork as opposed to talking about video games on a video game forums website.

The feelings of other people getting their petty feelings upset over a video game forum post are not my responsibility, so I really don't care. Should I become a psychiatrist, then you can pay me to.

No idea why you're trying to act like what I say on a game forum website is some kind of resume. I have a life outside of Smashboards where I'm going to college and passing my classes, getting invited to parties by my friends regularly late on Friday nights to play Smash and a wide variety of other games and am busy making bank at my current job thanks to the skills I've refined of working so well with others.

I post on Smashboards if and when I feel like it cuz I have important things to do and like to share my thoughts once in a while and as long as I'm not breaking any rules, you really can't do anything about it.
If you seriously think pointing out low quality game design means a person has no empathy or social skills and is some kind of personal attack, that really says more about you than it does me, if I'm being frank.
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Being unable to understand why someone would like a game that has low quality game design rather than a more superior game and uses that to belittle their intelligence/their choice of enjoyment does show a lack of empathy and social skills. I wouldn’t consider that a 100% definition of you though.

That’s great you have a life that involves social interaction. Many people are not as fortunate so they depend on the forums for social interaction with is perfectly acceptable. That’s why some of these people may not be as accepting or perhaps more overly sensitive of these sort of issues.

Anyways, like you said, I technically can’t keep you from posting Yokai Watch stuff but I do hope you do consider at least some of these points that were brought up instead of flushing them down and moving on. Criticism isn’t always a negative thing - I depend on criticism and people criticizing my work so I can better it in the future as well as become a better person for it.
And another thing, if all you can do about a person is assume things about them, that's also your own problem.

Granted I'm no English instructor nor am I in a relationship where I have kids but I would assume somewhere along that road you would have learned communication is key.

That if you wanted to get to know a person, you would actively talk to them. Converse with them. Ask them questions. Get to know their favorite flavor of Jolly Rancher or if they prefer socks and tennis shoes over sandles.

I don't know you, dude. If I was interested, I would actively seek you out and talk to you personally via PMs or something. I don't because I'm not.

I'm sure you've also learned communication goes both ways so it's not like you know me either.

All you've done is get upset over a few video game forum posts and assume I'm someone with no social life.

If I was as assumptive as you are, I'd probably call you the kind of person that acts like they're omniscient all just because they know your Smashboards posts, which would be funny if it wasn't pathetic and I'm sure you can empathize why I wouldn't be interested in getting to know a person like that.
He just said you were someone with a social life, and is trying to argue in the most respective way I've seen. He clearly doesn't hate you over various minor arguments, you're just currently going for a low blow on this one.
Not once did I belittle people for liking inferior games. In fact, I've expressedly empathized with that as I have in the past said plainly I enjoy Sonic 06 regardless of it being a turd in terms of game quality.

That being said, you would be 100% wrong in that regard and once again proving all you do is assume things.

Again, their sensitivity is really not my responsibility. I'm not their therapist. I'm just a guy expressing his own thoughts on a game on a game forum site.

Dude, this whole post started partially because Yo-Kai Watch 3 is a POSITIVELY fantastic game as far as its own series goes. Of course criticism isn't always negative cuz YKW3Vis as good as it is cuz it listened to criticisms from 1 and 2 to be as good as it is.

I'm already 10 steps ahead of your advice, if anything, dude.

Pokelego999 Pokelego999 Dude, I wrote that comment as another response to his previous one. Of course I'm not going to see he just said that when I was typing out a more detailed response tho I guess that's my bad.
Ah alright, my bad on that one then. Still though, you do tend to insult Pokemon fans and the people who enjoy the game. It's why we got unhappy in the first place.
When did I insult anyone?

I ain't the one paying through the nose for an ugly 3DS game on the Switch with bad animation that cut monsters for no good reason, locked following monsters behind DLC and made them fade in and out of existence igf their walking animation is too slow in a game with a jokeworthy competitive format where random crits and misses negate alot of need to be skilled.

I bought my copy of Shield use and I barely touch it cuz I have better games to play.

I'm the guy that paid 40 bucks for a monster collector on 3DS with 752 monsters on one game, has all its DLC that introduced hundreds of new monsters completely free, has 5 customizable victory animations for every befriendable monster, the monsters following you is a free feature and the competitive format is so fast, balanced and varied that high level Japanese players even to this day continue to find new team setups that are consistent.

I have no reason to feel bad about bragging for supporting a game like that.

You don't like that and see it as a personal attack? Well, that's your problem.
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Venus of the Desert Bloom
Ah crap. My phone died. Second time to write this up. Anyways, I wasn't upset at all. Perhaps I overstepped my boundaries and made it a bit too personal. I wanted to bring up issues concerning your past and current content and perhaps provide ways to make it more accessible to others. I honestly don’t have any huge issues with it but I know those who do. I do apologize for making an assumption of a lack of social skills and, while that wasn’t my intention, I can see how it can be viewed that way. For that I’m sorry and was unfair of me to bring that up. My intention was to help provide insight on your behavior and rhetoric and show perhaps why people might take up issue with it in the future to avoid conflict such as this. Like, I really enjoyed your thoughts on the newest Monster Hunter Stories game and, with your knowledge of monster hunting games, it’s refreshing to hear your take on that instead of gripes against Pokemon or gripes against people not liking Yokai Watch. Again, I’m sorry for taking it to a personal level.
Dude, you don't know anything about my past other than the few times I choose to use Smashboards on a whim.

It is not my concern if others take issue with it. It's my personal feed and will post as I please as long as it falls within the rules. If they don't like it, they have a block or mute button they can use.

In case you haven't read from me, I really don't care about "accessibility". Weeding out the weak is fine by me.

If you're that interested in what someone has to say, then talk to them. Ask them questions and such like I said. Nothing's stoppin' ya.

All that said, I forgive you.
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