You're wall looool
now then, when it comes to supporting, you first need a good ad carry partner. 2nd, you need to synergize with your ad carry partner. That said, you have 2 styles of either being a passive support where you plan to just have a pure farm lane (boring) or aggressive support where you whittle down at the other. Usually its easier to learn being passive first then going aggresive.. so the first 3 supports to learn will be: Soraka, Janna, and Taric.
Soraka is a sustain support, provides infinite mana and has 2 heals to boot. She's the most passive support there is, and heavily depends on the ad carry in being good otherwise he'll lose lane by taking too much harass that you can't heal it off. (Trust me I've experienced this a bit). You prioritize W and E, W is your ad carry takes a bit too much damage otherwise E to let him spam more and conserve your own mana with a cheaper heal.
Taric is a tank with his passive armor. He sets up kills very well and he has good lee way for the other ad carry to follow up on you. He has a heal, very weak, but it does matter especially when the other lane doesn't have a healer. Taric has a huge armor shred which amplifies the damage of his ad carry so much as well as his ultimate to boost his teammates power even more. Taric is melee, so you are just biding your time till you can land a good stun then combo the stunned target for a kill. Taric's stun does have a travel time, so its easily reactable to escape a distance and be stunned too far to be capitalized so it isn't easy mode. Focus on W, your armor passive, then your heal. First point goes in E, your stun, but max it last. Your stun costs a ton of mana, so don't be throwing out so eagerly.
Janna is the most fun out of the 3 IMO, as she requires the most skill out of them. She has no heal besides her ult but her ult is used for the knockback primarily and the heal part is a channel after the knockback so if you can't be a sitting duck, then you won't be healing with it. Janna's primary way of mitigating damage is by shielding her ad carry before he takes damage. After some time, you'll be able to shield people on reaction and save them their HP. Janna provides 3 CCs, knockup, slow and knockback. Janna has the best team fighting ability right next to Lulu. Janna's ult is amazing at saving, her slow is good to catching someone, and her knockup tornado is an aoe in a straight line. Focus on her E, her shield, and then W for passive mobility. Q is the 2nd or 3rd point but max it last to conserve mana. Janna is very mana costly early levels.
That's it for now