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  • I don't mind. Use it if you want.

    Just (maybe) be prepared if someone says "Hey Kupo used that song" lol.

    Ok but if you ever have a problem with me in the future point it out right away instead of leaving me clueless, of what happend.

    Everything is resolved
    I actually just photoshopped Falcon's head into this picture I found on another forum. I don't really have any idea where the base of it's from. lol
    Plz tell me what I did? What's going on? I need to know. If I offended you in anyway without knowing I am VERY VERY sorry, please point out what happend because I want to remain friends with you.






    My internet stopped working for a good hour and a half x__x
    Anywhoo, i'm going to bed! :D
    Talk to ya later, hun.
    well 1m n0t $ay1Ng U sP311 L1K3 DIs

    but you do leave words out when you type. or maybe you just forget to type it :dizzy:

    for instance check our conversation ill quote some

    "Seeing how you inferior him"
    when i read this i assumed you meant "seeing how you treat him inferior to you"

    "Heya DBS, Someone told me you their Wii, and i should ask you about it"
    like here you left out "have" between you and their
    so how'd you do against sephiroth? did you go sonic and get that steak!
    his marth is alright if you ask me
    Yup! It's late because we had a thunder storm for a week and that shxt adds up >__> (was originally gonna be released the 17th)
    And HYESZ! Graduation! I'll be going to college soon :3
    Lololol XD
    It's fine dude! xP
    I don't start summer break until the 25th x__x
    I graduate the 24th.....
    Lol alright, I'll see what I can come up with XD
    I haven't touched my video editing programs(sony vegas 7 and wmm) in awhile
    I'd make a machinima but I don't have the proper equipment d:
    Also I already had spring break which was in April xP
    Lol. :D
    You're on spring break? o__o
    I should mail you a present for your birthday XD
    ...or i'll make a b-day video...I don't know xP
    dude ur falcon is raaaape.

    Anyway gg's. My internet connection was very bouncy so that's probably why we kept getting DC'ed.
    Lol so you did XD
    But it's true >__> It kinda lags my laptop....
    And djskdjf I'm so tempted to click that link D:<
    Yeah I know >:U
    Which is why most people make and use their fake account instead XD
    I wish this MLG thing was in a different window though >__>
    1. There is a minimum (not including if you have an HD tv which adds more) 3 frame delay on Wifi in brawl. This is the main difference between a perfect wifi connection and offline brawl.
    2. The color coding to the right of where it says someone is online or offline represents the delay of the connection. Dark blue is the best, dark red is the worst (I could technically use this as 6 separate colors alone).
    3. it is possible to have 0 lag but massive input delay. It is impossible to have 0 input delay.
    4. I have written a moderately long article about both of these things on smash wiki, comparing the difference between them. My username on there is the same.
    5. It is impossible to have 0 lag unless you own an adapter on the wii or your wii is within the adapter range of your computer and non-obstructed (usually 20 feet).
    6. it is actually possible to play a basic brawl match without items if every single person in the game has selected no items or if it chooses your settings.
    I do home work all day everyday (except weekends), and I ussually don't get back till arround 10. I could do it early, lets set up a time, what time does it say when I post this?
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