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  • according to the canon, and if anime actually applies, than all mewtwo can do is fling people against walls, 10pp of psychic, and create a protective bubble which can be disrupted by multiple weapons
    annihilator beam>god
    well, that's what you get for kicking JOE
    they should have made the Samus vs. Mewtwo the final final round like the very last round it would have been so much more epic
    don't know, I'm choosing not to really go there much since Im currently using a different IP address which makes me appear twice. it confuses ppl
    samus' suit protects against it
    and I'm too lazy to translate the metroid anime, if it really does count as canon
    DB I was posting on JOE! profile & i sawz ur post. I duscussed how telepathy wouldn't effect samus and therefore give samus control of her own mind, lrnbrainwaves
    brainwaves are electrical which samus' suit protects against, and Samus' arsenal is more than enough to blow up mewtwo since there is no instance of telepathy or telekinesis in the pokemanz games
    people are just voting for mewtwo because he looks cool
    Awwww Man. I have to go soon..................... What bad luck huh.... I'll try to be around tommorow at 5:00.... See you then (Don't feel bad!!!!).
    Only for our conversations, but the one that I did that was blue was because how rude you were, no I am kidding. I did that because I forgot.
    i decided on letting samus' armor protect from mind-shenanigans and telekinetic penetration (giggedy)

    Her armor is made of unearthly metals, and coursing with energy like phazon.

    Psionics is more or less using some kind of energy to manipulate matter, Samus's suit does a phenominal job vs energies
    Been lurking, most of the "IRL-screwed" issues were taken care of so I didn't feel the need to comment, plus been busy.
    There I am done. My patronus is a rabit. Not because I like Luna, but I took a quiz, btu don't do it, it said I had to give my address, somehow I got by without doing that.
    *both Kirby and MK get in Nado battle*

    Snake and Ike: "OMG OMG OMG"

    *out of nowhere* "FALCON....................."
    To Be Continued...for I must take a shower...:)
    yup lol....
    *Ike and Snake land on the Halberd*

    MK: "WTF!"
    Ike: "OH FRACK IT'S MK!"
    Snake:"Don't worry, I can take him, and with your help...we got this..."
    *Kirby pops in out of nowhere, still with Snake's ability*
    Ike and Snake: "CRAP!"
    Ike: "So Kirby, you gonna join the club"
    Kirby: *stares*
    Snake: "Well, don't keep us waiting...what do you say huh?"
    Kirby: *swallows snake and copys nades, begins camping with nades,blowing up Snake and Ike*
    Snake: "UWAAAAAHA"
    Kirby:"...................................HIII!" *runs off*
    *C4 blows up...Snake charges fsmash*
    Ike: AETHER *hits marth*
    *as soon as marth hits ground from Aeather Snake releases fsamsh*
    Snake: BOOM!
    Kirby: ".........................................WHA!"
    I liked Mrs.Eggins she rocked. And I loved sculptingm remember your dog me, grant, and Kor destroyed. Although it was mostly Kor.
    At school, I told you about it months ago, you said you would never do swimming. Yes it is before school, at the colledge next to are school. Oh I will love it being during football season, still not playing. How bout you? Or are you going to be manager with me this year??? Hmmmmm. Still wondering who will be coach. Oh and my mom met the new art teacher today, she said she seemed nice.
    Snake: "Because you are stuck up..." (lol thread reference)
    Ike: "Yeah, that's why you're not my friend Marth!"
    Ike: "I fight for my friends, but Marth is not my friend, with the help of my new friend *points to Snake* I'll be the top FE character in brawl"
    I am sorry, but I hate snape. He freaks me out in the movies. Ugggghhh. So you excited about school yet, I kinda am. But I have to get up at like 5 a.m. Swimming starts at 6 and ends at 7:15. Sigh. Oh well.
    *MK looks confused*

    *Dair camps Marth...then gimps Marth off side of stage*
    "Come back when you can put up a fight....and speak English..."
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