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  • Lol, i just had caps on too lomg lol. Well i can play in 15 mins if you want. But if not then it will have to be tomorrow.....
    We have a match to do in my low tier tourney.
    Can you play today?
    aw alright.. haha. well i'd still like to play, but if that's the case i guess i can take it like u said. not cuz im win hungry or whatever but i would like to have more fun in the tournament xD
    Fun matches =D

    I think I'm improving already, even if it's at a slow pace xD
    GG's :)

    Time for bed though lol
    Good night
    sure, I'll get online right away xD
    I'll show you my mediocre Samus :p
    haha yeah I've been switching between those two for a while
    And lol

    Samus sucks D:<
    But she's fun to use
    Yellow is sexy xD

    I just randomly picked Yellow when I first used him and so I stuck with it xD

    And I've been kinda confused with my mains/secondaries lately
    The characters I use are Peach and Luigi, but I've been using loads of other characters. I kinda want to make Kirby my main eventually, so we'll see how that goes =D
    lol your welcome :p

    haha actually I did better than I thought I would with Kirby xD
    I think I'm gonna make him my secondary. I say that with a lot of characters, but I mean it this time xD
    And thanks :)
    GG's earlier btw :)
    I need to fight more people like you. My Kirby will improve much faster that way =D
    Oh and that was just my friend who joined if you were wondering. I know you don't like ffa's but I couldn't just say no to him wanting to play xD
    We have to shoot for F tier. Fail. :mad:

    I gotta go. My mom should be home any minute. <.<

    Night night Brando.
    Erm, okay. Sure. ;p

    I might have to suddenly leave though. <.<

    I'll be on in a few.
    Oops. Sorry. My mom came home so I had to leave last night. I would've said yes. <.<

    How's Brawl+?
    You're Diddy is tougher to beat than Aryman's Diddy.

    Did I mention you are my king, Ugg? :3
    So far I'm undefeated there. I've been helping some fellow chums on that website get better. They all want me to stay because they want to beat me...haha. Wait....how do you know about brawlfriendcodes? I have horrible memory my good chum. :D
    Wut? You did great with him. o.o

    Our Sheik/TL matches were all close.

    I just got annoyed when the few times I actually used Sheik's DACUS I hit a projectile. <.<
    Oh wait. Oops. o.o

    Orly? I didn't know that. I just heard that name before. o.o

    You TL is **** too. Hard too approach. <.<

    Lolwut? You beat me most of the time when you're Diddy. You're too modest. <.<

    I remeber something like Bradotastic or something like that. >.>

    Uhh, I'm not to sure. I think it was something about the secret realm or how much you ****.

    Haha, wut? You're too kind, but no way would I be top of S. That's your spot. :mad:

    Hmm, actually yes. You're one of the better Marths I've played. You have good mind games with his throws, just be careful with f-smash. :o

    But I say yes. And it'd be nice not to be the only Marth main in the OTL for once. <.<
    Yes, please. I need Diddy practice. The best player in my city mains Diddy. <.<
    I have a tourney coming up next weekend too. :/

    Yeah, I got that from Shadow one time when we were talking about you. xD

    I like calling you that or Brando.

    I don't know about that. Maybe top of A. <.<

    Haha, I never realised that. xD
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