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  • Oh how I wish I was in hdrevolution's place... Going to your school, being able to <3 all over you. ^_^
    frack. Don't even talk. XD I main falcon. It was SO awkward.

    yes exactly. That's what I miss. The fluidity of Melee. <3
    Yeah definately. The only problem is the "chunkiness" of it. Otherwise, the speed isn't that bad, and I don't mind the lack of combos.

    But oh lord, I want L-canceling in it so bad.

    And it was so weird not to JC grab >.< I kept like airdodging everytime i tried to grab xD
    haha yeah gg. 'twas fun.

    Maybe haha. I used him the most >.< I kinda like the feel of him. Course I said the same thing for my past 12 brawl mains lmfao.
    4725 7633 5928

    Ok i'll be on in a bit.

    hahah yeah. I might use some characters out of the ordinary. I don't ever play brawl. xD
    lmfao. Don't worry, i don't play brawl very seriously either. Yeah sure.

    Forgive me if I use a bunch of characters. I wanna try to get a stable main going. xD
    I've got pro school skills. I haven't done homework since about 2nd grade, and I've still pulled off As and Bs.
    Lawl, my mom thinks I'm teh shiz. She just doesn't like me being on the computer so much, and a Fonzie style "Ayyyyy" usually takes care of that.

    Not this time, sadly.
    Yeah, the computer is a lot easier to shut off in case of an emergency. The wii and TV are too slow to turn off, by then she'd have at least 3 daggers in my spine.
    I've got my mom trapped in the basement for now, but its only a matter of time before the lock gives and I'll be back to waiting.
    I think I figured out how to L cancel, I think. And I still remember how to Wavedash, but It'll take a lot of time and practice to incorporate it into my game, and I'm just not that attached to this game to dedicate myself to that.
    Yeah that's what I plan on doing, if I still want to get Mewtwo.
    I'm losing interest in Melee already lol
    That's useful xD

    But I only have 2 contollers D=
    But it still cuts the time in half lol
    I haven't unlocked him yet xD

    I'm too lazy to leave my Wii on for 20 hours.
    I'm the ultimate in laziness.

    I also still have to unlock Y.Link, Pichu and of course, Mr G&W
    I have everyone else xD
    No, it's online's fault, that's why I'm considering quitting altogether, or at least taking a break from online

    And Sonic was just like the rest of your characters.....
    Meh, sure why not

    It'll be good online practice for my Ice Climbers

    I'll host I guess =D
    I used a program to make the brackets and I set them based on skill (post count lol) so Aryman (top skill) faced that one guy (lowest skill) and it turned out to be effective.

    Let's see if its like that with everybody else's matches ^.^ hopefully items won't screw everything up.
    Its backwards for me.
    I hate taking too much effort to beat (or even sometimes losing) somebody who plays just to play.
    I got bored of bawrl so i decided to pick up 2d fighters. i dunno if i can get into 30 ones lol.
    Ok I'll hold them over a period of time.
    Somebody is going to have to get a bye until another person joins.
    I can't watch that vid.

    Well, I could, but it would take 30 minutes to load at school, and by then this class would be over.

    Where is this option at?
    I'm also considering General Commanderson. I'd always wear military stuff, and yell at strangers on the street.

    Not that I don't already yell at strangers on the street, but this way I can get away with wearing a bunch of BS metals.
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