in terms of me, its weird, I feel like a month ago, my sonic was still slightly better than my falco. but it seems like every time my falco gets better, my sonic gets worse, and in general im starting to like the falco playstyle way more than the sonic one. just from the stand point that 1. with sonic you always have to approach where as with falco you can laser people and either force them to approach or approach on your own terms, and 2. when you SD with sonic, and you miss (which i seem to be doing a lot more lately, you fly to the other side of the screen and you just cant mount any other offence until you rebound which is annoying, where as with falco, if i side b at you and miss, i can just shoot lasers or jab you if your close enough, theres a lot more pressure that falco can put on people where sonic can put on pressure but it inevitable that you eventually have to let the other guy recover for a time, which leads to having to further out play ppl.