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  • I'm not even going to talk with you more on this. You can't know what you're missing if you've never tried.
    You just don't suffice anymore, and this whole conversation just gave me clues as to who you are and what you represent irl. Don't take my word at all, You still couldn't point out a single valid flaw that was factotal, rather than a biased opinion. My work is done here.
    You're looking at the entire situation wrong, and that's why you don't want to go.

    OTLs don't always have different people, and if you get as active as TGK or dabuz, you're going to find yourself playing the same people in a set at every instance.
    I wouldn't even mind you going to AiB to improve, as it beats the hell out of any OTL, imo.
    You're way isn't going to help you improve at the rae you're expecting. If you'd rather choose hardcore gameplay over getting help and advice from people you can relate to, so be it. Just know what you're missing, as an individual.
    I assure you by just playing game after game of the same people that regular the OTL, won't help you out too much. Being stubborn is one thing, but you're talking down about yourself, which just proves my point further. You can't find a single valid flaw in becoming a Tink Boards regular, without that, you've no reason to even say that you're getting better by just OTLs.
    I've played very few OTLs. What's helping me get better? It's not the arena, and it's not even wifi itself. You're just depriving yourself more and more the longer you keep your distance, you're trying to point out opinionated flaws, which just makes you look stubborn. You don't know until you try.
    I never said that posting in there makes you a true main. You're missing the point that GD can take you through all the steps necessary to bettering yourself, not just by the game, but any issues you could be having trouble with outside of the forums. What i'm thinking is that you just don't trust anyone on there, and you take them as strangers. Just step out of the shadows and become a regular, you're going to have to get active somewhere other than LIO and the Online GD.
    Wifi isn't the point of this. The point is that you're depriving yourself of becoming one of your fellows; A true Toon Link main.
    If you ever wanted to show me that you main Toon Link, now's the time.
    You're missing the point. Talking to other people and asking questions is better and more beneficial to your progression than just lurking it completely. Nothing to contribute isn't a good answer if you're able to maintain socialization in LIO. Just add to the social and learn stuff, you'll make new friends, and you'll even get to play some pretty good Tink names.
    If i didn't get active in any GD whatsoever, i wouldn't even be here on these boards, i assure you.
    If you're still not reading and being a regular in the discussions, you're not going to progress...
    I'll repeat, add to the Tink GD, ask questions if you have them, read all you can, and practice.
    I've gotten a ton better since January, and it's all from becoming active throughout the entire Brawl Sub-Forum. You're on an even minuscule scale, which means you don't even have to do as much. Just get in the Toon Link section, Please.
    Wildfire. You should jump into it :mad:
    And how long have i mained Falcon? Even after being slung around like a rag doll, and getting ***** by MKs, where has he gone :p
    Didn't you drop Shiek? e_e
    Then i'll get Quivo to replace your Toon Link in LIO :mad:
    And you'll be forced to main someone else...
    You're insulting me, by insulting her. Which in turn, is insulting yourself.
    You hear that?
    Rage at me, rage at whomever, but rage towards the enlightened spirit of dear global, and you'll be six feet under...

    FD. Spike on Tink from 130%. Send you skidding along the bottom of the stage.
    Don't worry, i'm playing some more tomorrow, and guess who i'm getting @? :bee:


    She's actually very nice, and we actually relate @.@
    Outside of art, where i get *****...
    I felt bad playing my owner :urg:
    *Hugs global*
    But i'm good enough to defend her :mad:
    Rage at whom?
    Bragging about games you just got ftw. I've only had Blazblue for a week and a half and I'm already bragging about it lol.
    That's funny, my friend showed me the top 10 Okami songs last night XD
    My mom tried it a while ago and she got to 99 and quit lol ;_;
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