I guess so. I do want to emprove on Emerald a little. But I've been having a hard time trying to think of a way he could shine. I want him to do more, but I'm having trouble thinking of what. I guess it's because I never really planned for Emerald to be there, and when the story was forming in my head, it was mostly Vane and Alura. But, I'm sure I'll come up with something that will make Emerald stand out a bit more as a character. And Kirby overshadowed EVERYONE in the last chapter X__X. I didn't mean for it to happen, but Kirby has a way of inadvertedly becoming the center of attention. I'll try to improve on it, though.
I'll try to watch it. I've heard a lot of good things about the fights of Bleach.
Oh, and I've finished watching Code Geass. I can't really put how I feel into words, though. All I can say, is that it was amazing. Thanks for recommending it to me ^__^. I really enjoyed it, all the way through to the end.