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  • Should I ever decide to seriously pick up Toon Link, I'd be more than happy to support you. :V
    I see... so basically you're frustrated because you're the only one who works on the Toon Link boards, yet noone gives a **** about it... That sucks, man. =/
    Have fun with marth sasuke. He's really good, but not that easy to use at high level play. You really have to be patient. If you need any tips, you can still come to me, my marth is beast =3.. But im sure the marth boards has everything covered.
    So are you just switching to Marth or keeping TL? (or switching to melee, which would be the best choice since you live in cali :mad: ) obvious joke but you get my drift
    I just want to waterbend see a huge wave for some reason :laugh:

    Although I Wouldn't mind trying to surf. It seems hard though. Have you ever tried?
    lol that's too crazy. Coincidencesdunexist.

    haha I could imagine. Are there big waves ever? Or does that rarely happen?
    I want to go so bad. I'm being deprived.

    and omg you are not even going to believe this...this is just wow...like wow wow...like I think you are playing telepathic mind games wow... The phone just rang and I missed it and when I went to check the caller I.D it said "California"...

    No joke.
    I heard the are some pretty bad part though. You live in the good parts I'm guessing? Also I would REALLY like to see th ebeach. I've never ever been. =/
    lol silly. You should turn it on before you get hot xD.

    Do you live in a sunny place?
    Same =(.
    The air conditioner doesn't reach the computer room for some reason, nor the whole upstairs. But in the basement it's freezing 0.o. How does that work =/
    So are we still on for tomorrow? And are you bringing your friend for melee (I'd like to play some melee as well)?
    It hasn't been made official yet, so I can't show it.

    It doesn't matter. I guess I will just be staying for stupid reasons then
    That is what I have been trying to do. Idk, I guess I'm just getting bored with the same old thing. I can't play Smash, so what am I doing here besides spamming threads? I contributed with the handbook, and it has been 2 months and no word. I understand that the Admins may be busy and what not, but I worked darn hard on that thing and I just feel like I was wasting my time.
    No. I mean, I just don't really care for Smashboards anymore. I expected things to change, but they aren't. I don't play Smash anymore, because with my constantly-changing living conditions, I couldn't really get back into if I wanted to.

    I know I have friends, but I'm just a troll. It seriously isn't fun anymore.
    Or later today?
    I'm thinking about going to the animal shelter right now anyway.
    edit: *goes to the animal shelter*
    lol, interesting.

    I'm ALMOST ambidextrous, but my username is AdumbroDeus, which is rather different. Yes, I know the capitalization isn't there, but it helps in pronunciation.
    I think you mean gross like "... lol"

    I thought that the game would crash if you had hax o_O though I know sometimes my music changes when people are using music hacks, lol -_-
    I know lol XD
    That WAS you, right? I seem to remember you doing your =P (or was it =p?) taunt when the ghost saved you.

    And did you hear my stomach gurgle? O_O
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