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  • Hmm never realized it. But now everything makes sense.

    @trueganon are referring to me when you say barf?
    But I'm only like that when I'm feeling down, so it probably wouldn't work now would it? Thats too bad, oh well.
    Maybe I am when I'm feeling like this. It must be my flaw. Losing my proper state of mind turns me into barf. It all makes sense now.
    NEVER!!!! I shall not waste that last moments of my life enduring his talk about boring
    That sounds too intense for me. I don't think I could handle it in my current state. I might just end up hurting myself.
    Not sure, I'm just feeling abit down at the moment is all. It's really hard to think straight in this state.
    Maybe? I can't think straight right now so I honestly can't think of any way to answer anything at the moment.
    lolwut? I'm confused?
    what do mean stay around with me?
    And you dont always blame me?
    Tell him thanks and he has a nice DK.

    Don't feel dumb. Just have some tea and forget about it :D
    You got lucky w/ TL stupid parasol sucks and BS I won more than you. I beat owned your Dk w/ Zelda/sheik Marth w/zss and ur ZSS with lucario and ur zelda/sheik w/ mine twice

    sorry though you played competitive

    So give me my tea NAO
    Well sorry I play to win.
    And FYI Marth and Dk are a even match and you only won once and Zero bearly won so he didn't pwn me.
    Well I still won when you were Marth so it appears you spike strategy didn't help very much. So who got owned now son?
    crappy I go to a technology we have the newest version, theres a computer in ever room except the lunch room, all our homework is on computer
    nah Im okw ith Gimp, I could make a lot better but, Im to bored to try, I have to use photoshop in my Digital Media class, and they are not to diffrent really
    No I shall take out my anger on you. Play me NAO!!!

    But if I win you make me tea. ok? ^____^
    Uhh no. I was gonna leave him a message and I saw it dummy.

    Do you seriously wanna Brawl? Cuz if you don't tell me so I don't waste time looking for your FC.

    *sigh* Back to the Stalker thing are we?
    And WTf is? I saw it at Chaos's profile?

    "I hate TSM but in my heart, never mind not going to tell you."

    Explain yourself
    Ha, well there we go. Back to normal now. I still say I would make revolting tea. Nobody would enjoy it and you would lose friends.
    Well thats very nice of you to say, and bodyguard now? You just love to switch up my role at a moments notice huh? But seeing the job discription on the new one, let's hope you won't be needing me.
    Oh come on now, I wouldn't go that far. I may try to impress, but if you were to ask any of my close friends they would all more than likely tell you I'm a horrible person and farthest thing from a gentlemen. ...but they lie. I'm always willing to hear someone out, you can count on me for at least that much.
    I don't think it would be that easy to ignore you even if I wanted to. Don't worry about that. We shouldn't have a problems with there. I'll take a pass on the tea for now. I have an appointment to keep that I dare not be late for.
    well since canas is the only druid in fire emblem that makes him a must for me, and luna is fun, also in a few days Im going to make a sig for him, and make a reive avatar
    Lololol isn't here name Alice?

    yeah she got kinda pissed off earlier and took it out on me >_>
    Eh, abit eccentric but I don't really think of it as annoying. I have lots of friends who are the same way.

    Yeah, I don't seem to recall how that happened myself. I think it was an argument over which tea was better (Green) and it ended at that? Thats the way the cookie crumbles I suppose.
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