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Scoliosis Jones
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  • WHOA? What happened? You have political power now.
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    That would be hilariously ironic. So do they ask if you want it, or do they just go "THIS IS YOUR RESPONSIBILITY NOW"?
    It would be hilarious to see you fixing all the posts that misspell your name.
    But well done, you seem you would deserve it.
    Scoliosis Jones
    Scoliosis Jones
    Thank you. I'm glad a lot of people seem to feel that way. We'll see. I'm not going to say anything yet. Maybe later on when I get the hang of this crap
    Well no problem, after all with your manner of speaking and intimidating avatar you surely must be perfect for the job.
    So, I don't know if this is touchy, but...are/were you bitter about what happened to your thread? I remember what you said, quite vividly I might add, so after that it seems like you be incredibly pissed off.

    I don't want to pry, I just don't see you very often.
    Scoliosis Jones
    Scoliosis Jones
    Who knows? Maybe someday I'll be in charge of the new one
    That's makes it less frustrating, I guess. If you didn't know why it was closed, though, you would've been way more upset, I would imagine.

    I would like to remind you again, your anti-argument speech was really epic (albeit futile...)
    Scoliosis Jones
    Scoliosis Jones
    Lol i'm glad you thought so. I tried
    I dont want to continue this on the thread but I never meant to say that being from a series was one of the criteria. That is to say, that if a character doesnt come from a series, then they have no chance. I never meant that. i meant not coming from a series hurts their chances, but they still very much have a chance. It just one factor out of a multitude of factors.
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    Scoliosis Jones
    Scoliosis Jones
    It's fine. I completely understand where you're coming from. I didn't think that's what you meant either lol. Sometimes my posts come out in a way I didn't intend. I apologize lol.
    no big deal. I think it was a fun conversation and inspired my next miiverse post.
    I feel like I've added you and I have added each other to our friend's list like 3 times before! XD
    So after saving up my hard earned cash, I finally got a 46 inch Led Samsung Smart TV. Can't wait to play Smash Bros in HD on it!
    Wow. It's been almost an hour and no comments on my Zael thread. Must say i'm a tad disappointed. But just a tad...maybe more
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