Spade, you're acting as if by bringing the subject up and expressing my views to you, I'm somehow being belligerent, and that's not the impression I'm trying to give you.
It's not that I can't be convinced. I wouldn't have brought the subject up if I didn't think I could be. Truth be told, I want to be convinced that my perspective is flawed so that I can improve upon it.
I didn't mean to put you specifically on the spot as the beacon and spokesperson of SBRB on this matter. You were simply the one that addressed my concerns, which lead me to believe that you had some investment in the topic yourself. If you legitimately don't care about the matter, that's fine. But I'd thank you not to imply that I've somehow exhibited some form of intellectual dishonesty by pretending an opposing opinion doesn't exist.
To the contrary, it's because I AM interested in what you think that I address it in such a direct way. If your perspective didn't matter to me, I wouldn't give it the time of day. To me, engaging a person in direct discussion on a matter we disagree on is a sign of utmost respect.