Well, depends on how it's used, if it's "a good player can SDI out of this on reaction" and the data matches up, then yeah. If it's something solved by using a different mix of moves, then yea. But if it's "a better player can mindgame you into an f-smash", well that doesn't fly.
But generally, I'm more concerned with the people who are like, "when was the last time you placed in a national tournament? I thought so. Therefore, I'm right and you're wrong". Even when the data clearly shows they're wrong. Perfect example, I was debating M2K, and he insisted that Snake's dtilt outranged MK's, it took him till somebody else said it until he finally stopped harping on it.
Don't get me wrong, placing well in tournaments does help in terms of insight, but that should mean that if you're right, it should be easy for you to explain why you're right and beat down the people who are wrong in the discussion.