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Red Arremer
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  • Well to maintain your reputation as a fortune teller, you'd better hope you're right.

    Actually, it's about being an OTLer, we've made 5 mods now. You're just friends with intelligent people, who are more likely to get modded.
    Hey, if I do that I don't have to lock them!
    Besides, I handed hardly any. Maybe some warnings but that's it! :mad:
    You should read the rules again.
    If you read them properly you'd realise that it's basically exactly the same as before, but with sig infractions woop!

    But yeah, it's just the fact that I'm so dalvnadjkvna scary that people think it's all strictshiz, when really it isn't. The place is still relatively wild.
    I thought you'd feel bad that a crusade of principle would flop.
    Guess not.

    Oh well indeed.
    I seriously never knew that the Brawl and melee communities in Europe were having such a crazy war. I <3 melee more (sorry), but Brawl is a good solid game, it's just campy and methodical as opposed to Melee's hectic pace.

    I just randomly ran into a thread for a Brawl tournament (voting on neutrals) and it turned into a flamewar... seriously, people need to not be douches.

    Also, read this comic. I think you'll enjoy it. It's FOR SCIENCE.
    I'm such a douche. >.< Posted my reply on my VMs.

    "You're like the biggest help in the world. I got the whole board renovation going a month or two ago, and I don't think everyone really...picked it up. So thank a bunch."
    Hmmm. At the moment, I'm playing Bomberman Blast. It's your basic Bomberman fun for the Wii. He he.
    Care to do some wifi?

    I'm pretty bored and I wanna play other GOD Fox mains besides Samboner.
    You'll have to send me the others (Im guessing there are others if I read your message right) sometime...
    Don't be too hasty. I'm pretty sure it's discovered. Fullhop laser, you land and can instantly jump and laser again. No chain sound or anything.

    Sorry. D= I didn't say anything cause I don't really care for it too much.
    You should have seen the first time I heard his japanese voice. I wanted to tear my ears off. There's simply no way to describe the fail that is pit. He doesn't even deserve capitalization in his name.
    hahaha I have to agree. He's one of the few characters I hate. In fact, I should blog about my list of hated characters. What do you think?
    Yeah, unfortunately, that's a similar story for more than half of the Brawl population. D'=

    Mmhm. I usually drop a character if I don't like how they flow, and that's usually most of the time.
    That's cool. Although you might have already caught a glimpse of some ATs in videos, maybe not?

    The most I do with new characters is just...get their feeling down and then learn to apply what I know into the ATs they have.
    There are already two ATs for it, two which I have to make in the Aft thread. Lightstepping and telestepping. You read about them at all on any other guide?

    Well, it's cool that we have a scientist looking for glitches. lol
    Yeah, I heard the whole Hylian discovery recently.

    If there's anything gamebreaking for Wolf, I'll put my money on the flash. That move is glitched like hell.
    Oh, sorry, I did't realize you messaged me.

    His UpB is ******** like that. haha

    Well, I do know that you can lightstep with his UpB on jungle japes. What were you hoping to find? Anything in particular?
    Right. I don't include judgments when I'm just playing by myself or against CPUs... wait... who plays against CPUs? I actually don't think I've ever done that in this game. Ha.
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