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Red Arremer
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  • ... you just called Frown a nerd, you jerk.
    How aboutttttt... choknater! Yes!
    Yeah, I wasn't paying attention either. Otherwise, it would've been a 5-stock.
    Judging from your conversation with Straked, it appears as if you two have been playing Blarw online. How laggy was it?
    A 3-way? You have a sick mi -- OHHHH. Nevermind nevermind. See what he thinks about the idea. :D
    I say we do a joint project and have all 4 of us post random facts on someone's page.
    If you're messaging someone, you can't help but notice the top post, lol.
    He also votes for Dedede's theme. That was the best location ever.
    If he sees this conversation, he'll know about it, lol.
    Same here. <3 I actually placed first in the Geography Bowl for my state. :D
    Lol. I'm insanely good in both, so I remember some useless stuff nobody would care about. He's online now, so let's just hope he doesn't know we're up to no good. :evil:
    Alright, when he's offline, you post first message. I'll do like, random Geography fax.
    I'm just recapping the highlights of the day. Sorry. <3
    That Bowsercide... was just... adorable.

    So... Frown or Ange's wall? Eh? Eh? ;D
    I agree. :D
    Although I did lol when you sat on the ledge with Bowser, and I just Double-jump faired.

    Hey... wanna spam Ange's wall with useless facts when she's not online? :evil:
    I also liked the part where I walked right off the ledge and Faired. :p
    Instant spike @ 7%.
    You also desperately need to move to the US so we can play offline.
    Haha, just work on your spacing, you let yourself get hit way too many times.
    I always liked the DarkMusician name pun. Never liked Yu-Gi-Oh too much, though.

    ... TOO PRO! :evil:
    It was mainly for this Jigglypuff-only tournament I hosted. He's been a big part of our Jiggs boards, so I let him in. I got paired up with him first round, and lost to his amazing Jigglypuff. :(

    I did fairly well, we played about 10 friendlies after and I didn't lose to his Bowser once. They were pretty fun, and it did teach me a lot. Best Hawaiin Boozer, lol. He IS pretty good, and I'm glad those matches helped you realize how well you do. ^^ I'm really dying to see your true Bowser.
    Nah, I play Ehko, lol. We have extremely close games, But I tend to win more often. He pretty much inspired me to use Boozer, since his was pretty amazing. I already know a good deal about him, lol.

    And MrEh. I beat his Bowser plenty of times. Which made me feel pretty confident.
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