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  • I have a feeling my mom does too.

    A few years back, computer history, nuff said.
    Not yet, I dont know why. I just don't really feel comftorable telling them. Why? Because people can change their opinions of others really quick. I know that probably won't happen. But I dont feel ready yet. Im not even all that close with them. =/
    Ill tell them when Im ready.
    Not really, california is super strict. And they banned gay marriage because Cristian moms hate gays.
    No offense to Christians, its just thats all I see on the ads for yes on prop 8.
    California driving laws are so ****ing ******** though.

    1. No talking on cellphones without bluetooth or speaker phone or texting.
    2. Once your 16, you can ONLY drive to school and back with no friends in your car until 6 months after having your liscense
    3. Insurance for males costs more than females due to idiots.
    Preferably when Im 16ish though, so I can actually pick you up or something xD
    Just hit me up if you ever do come down here. We'll have to do something :D
    ****, you don't even need the music or brawl, or the room.
    But those conditions would be preferable.
    Yes, a party I'd pay 196400 bucks for <3
    Get us 3 in a room with brawl + music, you got yourself a party lasting a week.
    Yes, your one of the coolest people on this site. And we have so much in common. Talking to you is awesome.

    Ill bombard you with compliments >:O
    Its funny, we start talking not even for 4 days, and we're already bestest buddies <3
    Hell, the group didn't start until yesterday, and it already has tons of pages.
    Straked usually isn't gone for that long, He hasn't been on much today at all o_<
    You too. <3
    Our little group is one of the awesomest groups in forever.
    I hope chaco doesn't peekaboo in it, now that hes a mod now.
    Yup, which is why I'd only do the ticket stand or consession, maybe even the theatre cleaning, just not the bathrooms.

    And yes, thats the sad part D:
    Oh god, not the janitorial-ness. Hell no, god, ew. Wow, ohmagawd D:
    Ewwww. I'd never do that.

    **** right they are, when I went on sunday I wanted one even more >:O
    I was actually planning on getting a part time at the movie theaters down the hill from my house.
    Discount movies and food, hell yeahs. And my friends can visit me anytime :p

    Lol, that mall idea sounds good ;)
    I would also bite his nose and shake my head with him in my mouth.
    Don't ask. :p

    Ooh, and I just thought of a question.
    1. If you're going to get a part-time job at 16 or something, what would you want it to be?
    I had a stuffed animal too, It was a winnie the pooh stuffed animal, I called him mah poopoo xD
    One of the reasons why I still love that show.
    Im a kid at heart <3

    Poor philly :( its alright, he lived a good life knowing he had you.

    And where is straked? D:
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