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  • Hey hey, you'll have just as much fun with me, if not more >;o
    haha <3 jk ily<3
    Sorry ;c
    im leaving in 30 minutes to go apply for a job.
    Then Im going to the movies shortly after
    Ill call you it all the time from now on <3

    It was gud o: im going tommorow too around 7, after I apply for a job at Boomers, and go to the movies with some friends >_> tommorow is busy
    0.o G&W dittos? oh noes >.>

    Yes, I picked him up about 2 days ago, thanks though I only picked him up so I can annoy my friends with his cgs >.<
    I only like to use him in tourneys or in epic matches, IMO its just not fun him in friendlies >.>

    That's why I use different characters whenever I play friendlies, cause I like to have fun and not to play serious >.>
    That down a + up a is nice >.>

    Noooo, don't do that, I fear you will go mad with power and **** combos >.>
    Oh that's why >.>

    Yeah, you use Sheik to weaken your opponent then you switch with Zelda to finish the rest of the job, just like you did to WallE :(
    He just calls me Shadow and sometimes Knubs. xD
    Shadow even if there is two people in the room named Shadow. <__<
    Always confuses the other guy. lol
    Uggert's the name, eating yogurt is his game. D:<
    I call him a bunch of things. xD
    Lololololol Uggert is teh n00b. <3
    They don't post much anywhere else except for Ugg and Goku.
    oh, well I had to learn how to because I have a friend who uses DK and all he does is grab >.>
    So I kinda learned when to shield grab because of him >.>

    But your not so innocent either, You're Sheik grabs are dangerous and when you use Up B to KO me, I have to admit that is nice :p
    All I know is that its a social group in SWF. They get questioned that sometimes and they don't even know. :q
    I say no though. Look up thier gruoup.
    Haha. Then I'll get your codes later. xD
    I never heard of SR either until Chaos brought me to their xat.
    Ugg/Goku are in it though. :X
    What do they do that you know of? Brawl+?
    One was Dinah his actual name is something else, but he likes this new name.
    He mains Falco, but uses Sheik, Pit, TL, Peach as well. You can probably tell what he does to camp with the chars he uses. Also the reason we lagged. Lag and his camping is... yeah.

    That Ness mainer is good. They are members of The Sacred Realm.
    GGs, I don't like fighting the person who uses TL much. All the chars he uses likes to spam something or camp.

    Which codes do you have?
    The file with the codes? Did that come with the code manager? The one aside it?
    0_o That Sheik, I need to find someone to counter her, Maybe D3 dittos in the future? oh was it 8bitman who was the campy Rob?

    I though I did too >.>

    Grrrr I must get revenge >.<
    What confuses me is where to put the codes in the Code manager.
    Anyways, I'll go get two more for teams.
    Yeah, your right, they are always so intense or close that one mistake and X.X

    Yes, it was though I will have my revenge for that :mad:, Though I think I can't beat you with WallE anymore :(
    Haven't gotten the chance lately to get on my other cpu, but I have help so its cool. Dev get around towards helping you?
    Me too lol <3
    sorry im watching dont mess with the zohan again, its hilarious o_o
    o: whatever you want <33
    Just don't do blonde o-o
    though im fine if you do do it lol

    okay, <3
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