You're still too slow!
I played your MK like in a FFA dunno how long ago lol, never managed to brawl your MK 1v1 though.
I have bad lag against Dinah & Viper. Viper's Pit is good, I admit, better player than me but I could've done more in our matches. The lag was terrible on my side and I couldn't punish him. My grabgame got crippled so I resorted to SDR spamming. >_<
Dinah's Pit is seems more grounded and... Campy. Not much say but also Pit's jab is annoying. I can't Ftilt (johns) properly so I end up doing Fsmash instead which gets me sucked in that gay jab. >.> (inb4DI)
Nosy >.> There should be an option where you can hide your own VM convo's lol. Why must I post in the Social Thread? D: I have nothing to say/contribute and I'm a randomer. I'll post there if my Sonic manages to do well against the OTL regulars. (which will be slim ^.- lol)
@YourLinkInSocialChat: SA2 Final cutscene against Shadow is too good.