dude, if you are planning to team with me again, you need to follow my lead and step your game up. work on your TL thats the best secondary ive seen you use so far. i wana see you pull off some spikes.and work on your double back airs. you need to be more brave when it comes to chasing ppl off the ledge and gimping them with all your characters. and if you are going to continue playing lucario that you need to get aggressive AND STOP CAMPING SO HARD. you gotta learn to get in ppls faces. i played goodies the other day and you would fare so much better against MK if you didnt wait for him to approach you so much and also one thing that we both dont do is f air to n air to (f) smash, and f air to DI back to AS, work on those things and we need to set up a practice session, i will probably be at arena from 3-5 on wed. and fri this week. i will show you how to tilt with luc.