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  • GGsies. I'd have stayed longer but I've just been informed that I must step out for a bit.

    lol port priority can be a ***** xD
    loool, I hate playing online Wolf, unless he's offstage XD

    BTC= A Peach main i know, that's all :p
    I felt the same way with my wifi Sonic, it just jacks up my offline.

    I decided to keep going with Samus, since in about the first few weeks i've come to a reflective skill level. Plus, she's fun and can rack damage out the butt looool
    Samus, Link, and Lucas(Worthless, but it's there)
    You could say that :p
    I just need to win BTC once and i'll feel better about Samus :V
    Haven't played Oli in months x.x
    Only bring him out for lolz. I Can never time a single Zair with Link, and DI got horrid.
    Dtilt is so good that I want to use it over and over. I'm also trying to incorporate backwards crawl -> dtilt, so I can punish even the slightest misspace.

    Yeah, I kinda noticed, lol. But I was shocked to see Sheik grab Bowser right out of his own Side B animation, that was awesome.
    Remember when I said I do Sonic's Fsmash in real life, including the "GO!"?

    I also imitate Bowser's voice (not the current one, I think it was used in a Mario Kart game or a Mario Party game) when I connect with Klaw and Bowser is in the middle of the Slam animation.
    Huh? Piano Rick Roll?? (I think I'm forgetting something here lol)

    And I'm Chinese, not Japanese. Can't help you with that haha.

    Yepp lucario's is the least dangerous of them all ike's and lucario's is the only counters you can get away from if your quick.

    We should brawl again sometime i had a great time
    Yepp cause im good like that :coolmonke lol jk i just practice alot if you wanna do Gw dittos so we both can get better then we can do that and i just remember what i was gonna tell you.

    When your gw fighting against someone with a counter like peach, ike, marth lucario don't be so aggressive you start to get predictable when your gonna attack just play with they're minds a little this game is just another strategy .
    Yepp my strategy on pk thunder is to mind____ at everytime i use it and whenever the enemy is vunerable. don't send it straight at them unless they're THAT open.

    I think you already knew that ike is my main along with Toon link and Lucario i play as ness diddy Gw and DDD falco and fox just for kicks.
    Thanks! And nice ganon i kept failing so many times against him X___X im terrible with diddy.

    And i do tend to recycle smashes and kill moves sometimes so yeah i really gotta work on that.
    Yeah, I figured, but I was caught up in listing his options that I didn't acknowledge them.

    God, I love Sonic.
    Remove number 12, 13, ad 15, and add Reverse Spring, Reverse Homing Attack, DACUS, Reverse Spin Dash, and you got it.

    You can go further and include:

    1) Spotdodge-canceled Spin Dash
    2) Shield-canceled Spin Dash
    3) Spin Dash Jump
    4) Airdodge-canceled charging ASC
    5) Spring Canceled ASC
    6) Jump canceled ASC

    And so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on and so on...
    Neato. I would ask for you to take picture, But I'm not sure if that's allowed there.

    Now imagine playing Brawl with a song with an 13/8 time signature. Like this one.

    You say you want to pick up Wolf. Yet two sentences later, you say you don't want to spam smashes. Are we talking about the same Wolf here?
    Not 5 minutes after I checked that forum did I find HLP Hardcore and it's free 60+ track album.

    I will main GW just for you now.
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