1. Place the files in the correct structure on the SD card. A .zip archive is available for download that will automatically place all files correctly (be sure you put the contents of the folder "Balanced Brawl" in the SD card, not the folder itself), but if you wish to do it manually, put the gameconfig.txt and the boot.elf file in the root of the SD card, rsbe01.gct in a folder named codes, and smash stack as the only file in the folder private/wii/app/rsbe/st
2. Delete all custom stages from your Wii, including the three that came with Brawl by default. If you wish to save any stages, back them to your computer or a second SD card.
3. Boot up Brawl and go to the stage builder. Press A to "Launch Game" when prompted. Brawl should restart.
4. Remove the SD card and enjoy Balanced Brawl! Failure to remove the SD card may result in crashing on the stage select screen.
Looks to me, that the only part that should confuse you is the first step. Um, once I get my SD Card, I'll show ya the ropes.