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  • Oranges are okay. I agree that meat tastes better.

    slowpoke tail is delicious
    I know my parents support me 100% in what I choose but I'm just afraid of failing them and having no real safety net like you said.
    My biggest problem is that I know I would have a stable career if I decided to play tennis for a living, but... it's not that I don't enjoy it, I love tennis, but I can't see myself spending hours working on it. Whereas I've done my hobby for hours on end without ever being bored.
    I never really had a huge passion for life, but I'm still afraid of being a failure, k'now? I don't want to be anyone special, but I don't want to waste a golden opportunity that I've been given.
    I'm also afraid of my hobby/job becoming somehing I dread everyday... though I've never felt like it has been before... I guess it's a sort of paranoia I have.
    ... I know it's odd saying so much about my dream job without telling you what it is... but it's so derp awkward I'd be scared you wouldn't take me seriously x_x
    Thanks for the reply Xiroey. I appreciate your input.

    Say there's a hobby you've had for your whole life
    and you want to make that hobby a career
    but you have a steady life and your whole life could be thrown off-track because of this dream of yours and you'd probably end up nowhere even if you do succeed.

    Would you still pursue that dream?
    Sorry for the random question.

    What's it like living in a pokeball? :027:

    also get AIM or Skype or something so us SWF people can bug you obv
    Haha, I wish I wasn't! I'm always tired during the days, it's just really hard for me to go to sleep like a normal person ;D

    What are you dipping your hat in? Out of curiosity, Hahaha.
    Lol so many overly attached girlfriend in the "hug xiroey thread" and lol you were caught with a great ball

    Ohh almost forgot *hug* :happysheep:
    Haha, I am pretty sure 5-hour's have just about the same amount of caffeine as a normal cup of coffee does :p And haha, crashing sucks! It happens to me pretty much every time I drink some sort of caffeinated drink, and then I'm all tired forever :/
    Too bad my Wii is 2 and a half hours away, and I can't get the WiFi to work on it.

    I'd love to otherwise! Maybe in December.
    Your profile pic is Charizard, your avatars have usually featured Charizard, and you usually post Charizard pictures.

    Yet your signature is Ivysaur.
    I've seen a lot of the pokemon movies. Doing fine, my little brother turned 21 today and we've just been getting him drunk at the bars while I've been bugging Gatlin. :p
    I'll show them a true mans guts and fury!
    Oh hey, btw.

    I thought you might find this "want" worthy~
    So what you're saying is that you are a 7 year old flaming dog girl?

    -you saw nothing!!!-

    (that was embarrasing)

    hahaha, don't be embarrassed! I thought it was funny

    And I already saw it! haha
    I saw it too. :awesome:
    Interesting. I wish I could draw, but instead I'm more gifted as a photographer. (yah ik is pretty weak compared to artists that draw.)

    Speaking of red he is suddenly avoiding me lol. But yah I won't say nothin.
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