We'd need that Year 2893 technology to do that. Or we could just drive to each other's state
I wonder what your school is like :o
There's a lot of instances where I wouldn't go to school, but I find at least 10 years of education (the source really doesn't matter, even online) to be beneficial. If you're interested, you can keep researching in your desired fields and such. If not, you're free to do what you're allowed with no school, and you're above partially educated :D But yes, I agree, if wouldn't go if school wasn't required (right now). If it wasn't mandatory before I hit age 13-14, I wouldn't think about the detriments.
There's a LOT of things that they teach me in class that I KNOW are useless. D: Most of the time, it's the stuff that I want to forget about, but I see it on a test, fail the test because of missing related questions, I study if for the retake, pass the retake, then we move on and I never see that bit of material again, even on Semester Finals.