So I was playing Brawl between that last comment (why did i say comment i meant visitor message well i hope its ok and he doesn't mind) and this one and I was like "Hey, let me take a picture when some random time is remaining during the match". So I thought 5 minutes would be appropriate because 5 is my favorite number. There is no reason for that preference as far as I can think of. So then it got to be 5 minutes remaining at it was a pretty crappy picture so I took this one one at 4:42.
I just thought you might like it and maybe use it as your desktop or show it to someone or use it as your desktop.
Well I was thinking of more things to write but then I decided against it because I forgot how I was going to fit those statements into this message (I hope he doesn't notice that I'm using message now instead of comment like I did before oh gosh an english teacher would probably give this a D-). So this is all.