BlazBlue is bad too. Most fighting games are nowadays. Boring, bland, and soulless games like KoF, MK9, UMvC3, SF4AE, Melee, 3S, KoF, BB, Tekken 6, KoF, Soul Calibur, and especially that assy game KoF.
Holy crap, that game is awful. It's like Street Fighters estranged, maladjusted and diseducated younger brother. It tries too hard to be a unique game. BB is just anime weaboo bait, but I can at the very least respect the fact that ARC knows this and doesn't give a good god damn.
Capcom don't care because they're Capcom. Plus, as stupid as Marvel is, it's probably the most fun to watch. If I wanted anything to do with Tekken, I'd just go to the circus, and SC is just trashy McTrasherson.
I am so disappointed in you right now.