Here's a list of anime, and a * denotes that if you are under 18 your parents may mind you watching it.
Elfen Lied* (Nudidty/strong gore)
Code Geass* (Partial nudity in some episodes, and some really suggestive clothing in most others + some gore)
Fruits Basket (Some like it, most hate it. I was one of the few to like it)
Fate Stay Night (I can't remember if I should star this or not.. I have a feeling I should though. XD This was a great anime)
.hack//signs (the other .hack// are also good, but this one was my favorite for the storyline. Not much action to be honest, but a really great and deep storyline)
Samurai X* (You might know it as Rorouni Kenshin)
Ergo Proxy* (great anime)
Wolfs Rain* (I sadly lost interest due to it going off air, I didn't know about the internet having episodes. XD so I'm probably going to finish this series sometime this month)
Case Closed (it's a great anime, but I never got horribly into it)
Chobits* (pretty ****ed perverted, but I liked it)
Death Note (fantastic, just like the manga)
I'll leave that list for now. XD
And yah, I play acoustic+electric guitar. I have a few videos of me on my electric, completely failing on some songs.