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Dr Peepee
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  • I found out why I couldn't single nanner lock with Diddy's Dair x_X I was Dairing too fast so the Dair wouldn't auto cancel

    Now Dair is the easiest ^_^ Yay 10 minutes of practice
    That might work. I don 't really have any idea when we are going to VA next, though. You should probably talk to Bill.
    Cool. Thats good because you couldn't come the weekend before anyway (that's my mom's b-day).

    Diddy vs. ROB? Sounds like fun XD
    No he doesn't <_<

    He's pick-up-and-play for me. But I play Jim a lot. When you come I'll try him out on you
    I still use GaW. I still use Zelda/Shiek too. It's just. ROB/Diddy are easily my top 2.

    When Brawl was first released (I mean FIRST RELEASED), at that gamestop promotion tournament with the wiimote/nunchuck? I brought my Gamecube controller and I played some friendlies with the guys that stayed around after the tournament was over, and Diddy was my best character from the start. I was doing better with him then Peach lol. I think we were just meant to be :laugh:
    There was a really big break between critical hit 3 and this most recent c3. My car isn't really what it used to be so I don't want to take it on a big trip. I won't really go to VA much unless I can get bill or someone else to drive.
    well Diddy is easily my 2nd best character even though I barely play him anymore sooooooo

    i have a video of my diddy recorded, you'll see it soon lol. i kick jim's gaw's ***. His MK did a lot better on my ROB then his GaW did on my Diddy. And he Cped me to Norfair o_o
    i'm practicing diddy's single nanner lock

    the bair one is so much easier then the dair one. I'm afraid to do the uair one because it might make it too easy
    it handled it? lucky *******

    mine was 99% done uploading the first mario v falco...so I gave it 5 minutes...then it was still 99%...gave it 15 minutes...yeah not waiting any longer :p
    for real? sorry bro :(

    more bad news: my multi-video uploader just stalled. I'm just gonna do 3 at a time now x_X at least I got 2 of them up before the disaster...
    i'm gonna show her your picture and tell her that you want to stick your **** inside of her ******
    PP she's underage. she can't smoke weed or go to atlantic city casinos like you can. get over it.
    there is no US. go play mk and leave the rob crew alone. 01000100 01100101 01100001 01110100 01101000 00100000 01110100 01101111 00100000 01110100 01101000 01100101 00100000 01101101 01100101 01100001 01110100 00100000 01110000 01100101 01101111 01110000 01101100 01100101 00100001
    hey, i told you my hands weren't cooperating with what my mind told them to do. I'm sure you'll agree

    and if you want more of the same, play meta knight you cheap ***got >:o
    i used tornado by accident on-stage in one of the matches against jim's falco. I don't think he punishes me XD

    ROB is plenty fast...just not running wise. He doesn't need to be Sonic/Fox/Marth fast though, because he can cover with Lasers/Gyros while he's getting over to where he needs to be :p
    you don't think i can take your mario? i'm a master, bro. I use Up-B as an attack. Not even out of shield. Just as a straight-up attack. (I hit though so it's cool)

    PP i want to see your ROB xD
    i don't main him...yet. o-o
    I'll have to ditto your Mario and claim the title for myself then XD

    ah, that explains it. thats the only reasonable explanation.
    i was being sarcastic with the combo thing <_< boomerang to arrow to dash attack? xd what a noob combo

    I can't do anything. You'll see XD
    you're the only mario in the carolinas <_<

    what kind of idiot can't approach with meta knight
    Meh? Y. Link is a beast
    Definitely doable for the Marth. <_________< You'll see how bad I am.
    I thought I actually did...somewhat decent, and I definitely wasn't playing my best. My hands just wouldn't cooperate with my mind. You're the Mario master though, so you'll have a whole list of things I did wrong :laugh:

    Diddy vs. GaW is probably even. Diddy is very fun :)
    Yeah I guess haha...I do pretty good in that set IIRC.
    65:35 MK I'd say. It's ROBs worst matchup. Really. ROB only has like...4-5 bad matchups (many, many evens though), and MK is his worst. ROB can't do **** to MK. He outranges with Ftilt, but MK will not be camped under any circumstances. MK can approach you like crazy and ROB is a huge target...but uh, the thing is, Jim plays a very defensive Meta Knight. ...I know, right? You'll see. He actually does very good because I had no idea what to do. I'd never fought his MK before this.
    Young Link vs. Ganon
    Falcon vs. Marth
    Mario vs. Falco

    Diddy vs. Game and Watch
    Zelda/Shiek vs. Ganon
    ROB vs. Meta Knight (WUT DA HAYELL)

    I'm the person on the left every time
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