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Dr Peepee
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  • I'm already going to the one in Boone on the 24th

    I doubt I could make it, unless you could give me a ride.
    cuz munk left?

    ...how gay. munk was a cool dude. I guess when the munkaids stopped, NC stopped having tournaments besides Jubilee. Jubilee happened every like...6 months, so the NC scene basically died. Maybe once BEHR's HERB tournament is done and NC finally has another big tournament, we'll get back in the spirit? idk

    "very time I ever saw you there you came to play smash. Not to buy anything, not even to hang out with friends, but to play smash"

    Yuna said that? **** I have to make Luigi top tier to prove his dumb *** wrong now. I hate him. So stupid. Ugh.

    Why bro?
    MK is gay.
    Luigi isn't a viable competitive character...you literally have to powershield everything. If you hit his shield shield, he's sliding 20 feet across the stage and you're not being punished. If you ever fight a luigi, hit that shield as much as you ****ing want. Don't even bother with spacing.

    TL is really fun though, I could see myself using him seriously. Luigi is sooooooo fun, but...man. He sucks.

    Lmao, you v. pac. I remember that. You just took it like a little ***** :k
    If you say so, bro. I'm trying out new characters (whats new?). Luigi and TL mostly now. And ROB/Diddy of course. I wish I played someone who CPed Marth lol

    you can be amazing too then...no johns

    i edited my post? lame. i wonder what it said :(
    I'm trying PP, but you're the best in NC for a reason...and Norfair is a legal stage, and that match was right down to the wire without the gyro. I very well could've won if the gyro didn't spaz out and kill you...I made a smart CP (for once). No johns :)

    Everyone else does it, bro. I'm sure you can find a way too.
    That's why we're going OoS and proving ourselves. Genesis, man. If any of us can crack Top 10 (It's a dream, but we have a long time to practice...) then we can show what NC is made of.

    Get a job.
    Man stop being such a ***** and look on the bright side, aight?

    There is a new fledgling NC Brawl Scene that is growing larger every day. Look how many people are planning on showing up to BEHR's HERB tournament in March. It's at like, 40-something people and the tournament is still 3 months away! NC has tons of new Brawlers that come to tournaments and make our scene as active as any other state. I was talking to Xiivi about this earlier actually, how NC has the 2nd largest smash scene in the entire Atlantic South (lol Florida). And do you think that's not true? Georgia or Tennessee certainly don't have a bigger scene then NC does, every tournament seems to be in either Florida or here.

    Just because all of the Melee pros don't like Brawl doesn't mean that nobody in NC does. Look at the results for every single tournament hosted in NC; 99% of the people that post in NC threads say they prefer Melee to Brawl but the tournaments always show that Brawl has 3x the turnout that Melee does. If you want PRs and more competitive spirit on SWF, then those few times that you do get to go to tournaments, you hype up smashboards like crazy and make sure everyone at the tournaments makes an account and actually posts, because right now obviously nobody that goes to brawl tournaments bothers to post on SWF.

    And if you're upset because you don't get to go out much or whatever, you have a **** car. You can go out whenever you want, really.
    i loved smash back then i just didn't post

    i love it now too unlike most people who uh...refuse to change i guess

    i'm sorry bro. maybe you can change things? there's a reason i don't post in atlantic south much lol
    Jim cared a lot more about Smash during the Melee era too lol. I'm a Brawl nub :p

    Why am I lucky <_<
    malk actually used to like smash woah

    people actually used to care about PRs woah

    i miss those days
    SC has a bigger scene then NC does...we just pretend like NC is bigger so they all associate with us now.

    Don't tell anyone the truth.
    It's just..the old smashers are sticking to melee like glue and most don't want to move on. They still like the game, they're just not content with Brawl and aren't happy that the new people won't play Melee at all. So Melee is slowly dying out and the old smashers aren't doing anything but whining about it.

    Then the new smashers are intimidated by the old ones, most don't even post on SWF and the ones that do mostly don't talk about smash. I mean, there is a NC scene, BillBillBill got some 30 people and it was just a biweekly. The brawl scene just isn't active on SWF.

    I'll agree that all competitive spirit in NC is gone though, that is sad. Nobody really cares about getting better or about the game or about tournaments or PRs or anything. That's why NC is laughed at by the rest of the US
    It's my first OOS Brawl Tourney too. And I don't think we'd win either, I know we won't get money or anything. But honestly, wouldn't you love to go? It'd make my summer, that's for sure.

    Niko_K is the Smash Bus organizer (he's from canada too, lmao). Um...honestly, just check the Genesis tournament thread in tournament listings, thats where we're talking about it. You really only have to read the last 2 pages to get the gist of it.
    since when does he play ike and lucario? ew. he plays 3 annoying characters to fight against. XD ali is amazing with snake though...he's so different then the "camp with nades space with ftilt" that we've come to know and love

    Genesis. July. NorCal. Hosted by DBR. $10K pot.

    Smash bus. A bus going down the east coast picking up smashers then going to Antioch CA for Genesis. Will cost some money. I will be saving all my money to try and get on.
    dude PP you're way better then everyone else in NC. you need to get to a huge tournament and see how you do. I really want to go to Genesis, did you hear about the smash bus? You can totally ride with me. I think if I can go...that Jim won't be...so you coming would be sweet.

    What do you mean it's odd? lol it's just like...teaching them ATs and how not to suck and stuff. i don't want to develop their style or anything for them, so i'm not coaching them. i'm giving them the information they need to turn themselves into top tier brawl players :laugh:
    Jim and Tim have been playing a lot more brawl actually...tbqh we didn't play melee once this weekend. they had to leave today, or else they would've stayed longer.

    i talked to TJ and he said he wants to come to that boone tournament with me...we'll see. they're learning, not quickly but it's going on. i think if they come to the tournament in boone then they'll learn a lot.

    they do bad.
    yeah he's better then landis lol

    landis doesn't play melee ever...they're all brawl man. which is good for me XD.

    they're still not...good, but they're learning.
    nah he's straight

    tim thinks she's aight. i think...no.

    he just starts being really quiet when he wants it
    1. TJ is lando's friend that now hangs out at my house with the rest of them. he's pretty cool. he's straight up black too, not mixed like lando and jim. i'll make sure he doesn't bring a knife over when you're here bro...

    2. it's obv

    3. he likes women

    4. he smokes like every day he gets touchy when we don't do it for so long

    5. ^5
    i'm talkin to him on aim right now <_<

    Jim: "holy **** you look like a ***got"
    Tim: *keeps touching the girl giving me the haircut*
    Lando: "when do we get to smoke all of this weed i want to smoke it right now wah wah wah"
    TJ: *keeps touching a statue of a sheep in the girls house*

    thats how it went down
    Cam is basically the most down to earth guy I'll probably ever meet in Smash. So I guess that may have something to do with why he doesn't like the scene too much. He's playing Sheik and he can beat my Falcon (not really Jiggs yet). Only thing he needs to do is stop relying on grabs. A lot of players have that problem/habit and they need to get out of it.

    Dude, you're like the sage of brocabulary. lol you're really good at that.
    You're right, bro. Meh, at least it beats playing a little brother... lol @ twitch

    Eddie says Zero is possibly coming here tomorrow, so I'll probably play him if that happens... and give you some feedback.

    Speaking of people getting good, Cam (CJ Love if you don't know) is getting there. I'm trying to drag him to the next event.

    lol, I appreciate your effort at being modest despite the massive ***** you give.
    Pretty well. Playing the same people is getting really boring.

    I haven't played Zero for a while now, the last time was months ago and we only played a few matches. He's been playing Eddie though.

    Next tournament or whatever, we seriously need to play a bit... you're always the one who's always doing something, so it's hard to get to you. :( I'm ready for that Falco (probably not).
    My Falcon probably isn't as good as my Jiggs yet, but really just because Jiggs is so gay. Other than that I prefer my Falcon over any matchup; I'll only go Jiggs if I really need to.

    I won't be at Boone, so yeah, maybe in Feb, definitely at HERB.

    What combo vid?
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