What the ****!? O_o
Unless it's Thanksgiving, why would your dad want you to give thanks for food? He should had already bless the food after or before it was made, that would make better since right? This is why when I was 18 I move'd out the house. XD
Alright, Match up thoughts, you have a good Wario, but you do the same move's too many times, I've gotten too use to them, you don't use your items much or at the right moment's, if you do that, you will have better chances of winning a match.
That's all I can say because it was one match, I can't play after 6:30 today, so I'll play you the next day I guess. That's one crazy john that you have, about your dad want to stop a game and give thanks and all.... unless your Baptist. ^_^;