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  • about that kirby thing, that sounds like something you would say, but are you surprised that that is what tod thought about??.... what an idiot
    hahaha NICE!
    i WOULD switch mine with ya,..... but i like my avatar now :laugh:
    look in the hakuna matata group! there are a few people who have pokemon avis too. and they didnt have them about a week ago 0_0 wierd. plus, a few people welcomed ya there
    DUDE YOu know how It's dp to a pokemon week. Well me ben and the Hogans started it. Now we have like 30 people who did it!!! It's AMAZING!
    i told him it WASENT him. but i didnt give out your real name. i told him if he REALLY wanted to know who it was, that he could talk to you, and you might tell him.

    but no it was pretty funny! hahah
    your liking this place huh?? i honestly didnt expect you to be on like this. figured youd make an account and then abandon it!
    well hey im heading off for tonight. talk to ya tommorow.
    the guy with the answer key isnt on, so i dont know if ill have the answers for you tommorrow, but i will have them by thursday for sure.
    peace out!
    told ya it was crazy hard! i was too afraid to take it myself!
    and i was a LEADER of the fan club(im embarrassed...)
    sounds like a plan.
    yea if ya have questions about this place, tell me.
    sending you the questions now
    ok. go ahead and send it but yeah i think i'm doing good with the browsing. Don't send me the answers. Have them at school tomorrow and i'll give you my answers and we'll see
    well should i still send it to you to take for fun?? i CAN do that. ill talk to the person who has the answer key too.

    also, hows the site browsing going? find anywhere to post yet? need help getting around?
    you can go F*cking die man!
    haha glad to se you joined the same tow pokemon fanclubs i did :laugh:
    hahah GOOO hufflepuff!!!!
    also, dont forget to befriend derio!
    he doesnt remember who you are :laugh:
    you should tell him
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