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  • Barge!!! Sigh
    it seems like I'll never get to play you XD
    I'll keep trying though!!!! :D

    You brought back bad memories of Diddy Kong in that space. I waited 5 minutes for him to move, but he just camped back there. I kinda had to go anyways, my mom was pestering me.
    hopefully I'll be there XD. 9 hours, makes it 10 central time amirite?
    umm... expect like 10:30... I should be here around then ;)

    I didn't think Yoshi could, or someone.

    And I can play in 10 hrs lol So it kinda works out (I have to work in 5 hrs :()
    Barge, I claim friendlies tonite! you must come ;)
    hit me back with a message

    Not every character is able to glide toss, and some have further ones than others.

    But what I do is I do a dodge (Not a side step, the moving dodge, I forget its name) and near the end of the length of the dodge you throw the item.

    Keep in mind that characters have different timing for this so you just need to practice.
    Can you get online today? Cause then we can do some rounds practicing glide tossing, I need to work on it a bit, even if its harder to do online =D

    Anyways I hope that helped, I'm kinda bad at explaining things sometimes D=
    Actually I can explain my Peaches improvement =D

    During the time my wifi was down I practiced with Peach (and Pit) a lot. I learned how to glide toss during that time, and with that I learned a few new tricks =D
    I just didn't realize I actually got better :laugh:
    lol thanks buddy =D
    Everyone is saying that I've gotten better, I don't know how I did either lol

    And you're still one of those people that always give me a challenge lol
    Barge, you get your *** here right now. lol.
    I'm up for friendlies any time from now til I have to go to school. All nighter for the fail!
    message me back, I'll periodically check ;)

    haha I forgot about that, Charizard is too fat to recover

    and Yoshi = Win =D
    lol True, they're not bad, but I'd just rather not use them >_>
    lol Squirtle is by far my favorite of the three.
    I'd main him if it weren't for those other two >_>
    My CP is battlefield
    but i dont think i will be able to play our match i have to wait on Samus to respond my message.
    Oh you're back, well I can put you back in now, you won the coin toss =D
    You left >_>

    Well you have a match against Falchion-, but he's not here either >_>

    You two have about an hour left, otherwise I'll have to resort to the coin :evil:

    But you've been here more than Falchion- so I may just end up advancing you. If I do you have to fight istudying next =D
    lol @ copy and pasting your message from my tourney thread

    Yeah your grabs are scary lol I actually answered to your post though, its at the bottom of one of the pages lol
    Is there some way you could try and join Aryman's game with some kind of name tag telling him to get here?
    Yeah, that was pretty laggy. I'll check out the issue and tell you if it stops being sluggish.
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