It seems that this time, Super Smash Bros Ultimate really gets its name not only from being the game with having extensive variation and content, but also takes away a great deal of lesser or non-functional fluff so that everything is straightly tied to the core gameplay.
-- Excessive "fluff" not included --
Home Run
Break The Targets
Stage Maker
Trophies and trophy stage room
Drawing on game captures
Long Action Platforming Levels
Board Game mode (Smash Tour)
Excessive cutscenes
With almost all actions taking place on the battle field and stages plus an "adventure" that allows for more customized characters through 2D assets known as spirits, it is the ultimate entry in being straight to the action across all modes.
On the side note, when I noticed several dialogues that features characters with 2D assets under dialogue text (spirit dojo, treasure hunt, etc.), I can exactly picture that it would be a very feasible model for future smash game that may focus more on continual updates without having to spend excess capital on features that will not serve its purpose. Therefore, Ultimate is the ultimate game for hardcore smashers thanks to adventure mode.