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  • That's good. So is the tourney over or are you still there? Make sure you get friendlies in too!
    I don't really care for IMs. Xat is k since it's where everyone hangs out.
    No...to both of those questions actually. I just use the xat to communicate.
    Lol you're welcome.

    My day was k. Fixed my music hacks, practiced ZSS, went for a walk, then came on here. Not much to it really.
    Don't be hard on yourself. That's a great placing. And it's a big tournament too isn't it?
    What char were you counterpicking, and why did you try to counterpick them?
    I just lost in winners myself XD. I just have to beat one person to get to the Grand Finals. I just lost in Winners Finals.

    Alright then ^__^. And no problem ^__^.
    I'm sorry Haku X__X.

    I was busy doing Brawlz and I couldn't get on. I'm sorry :(.

    Well, I wish you luck ^__^! And that's good that you're second in pools (although I'm still not quite sure on how that works yet) ^__^! I'll be rooting for you, Haku!
    Awesome job making it out of pools. Good luck in the rest of the tournament. I know you'll do great. Stay confident.
    Eeeeh, internet crapped out again yesterday and only just came back today Q.Q

    Glad everything's ok. You'll do great, just **** like only you can :3
    Oh, I see. Yeah, bringing a laptop on a plane can be difficult sometimes X__X. And thanks, Haku ^__^. I'll be sure to do my best! :smash:

    Well, I've gotta go, Haku. See you tomorrow ^__^! And good luck with the tournament! You've got my support there too ^__^!
    Oh, you're using your phone. I see. Well, I'll be sure to check back on here every now and then ^__^.
    Sure, I will be ^__^. But you know you can be on the Xat too, right?

    lol XD. Yup, that's what I do :smash:
    Thanks a lot, Haku ^__^. I am proud of myself anyways. I lost to an MK last round (a really good one), so I'm not sad about it. I'll just have to try harder next time :smash:

    I'm also in the mid-tier tournament again tomorrow. Are you going? Oh wait, your busy with Real Life Smash Business, so I guess you can't. Well, Good Luck in that tournament, Haku ^__^.
    That's great ^__^!

    I'm OK. I got second place in the Weekly Tournament ^__^. But I was trolled pretty badly XD. People keep hating on me for my Pit... Oh well, what can you do.

    I guess I'll just have fun annoying them XD.
    oh sorry, i'm limited on when i can use computers now :dizzy:

    I'm glad that now you're back in business and good luck in your tournament.
    As for the productivity in HOR, don't expect something special. We all have our lives to put forth before teh interwebz.
    If you don't win, don't come back. jk

    :3 Isn't is a pretty big tourney for Canada?
    You'll be ok. Flying is scary but it'll go by quick. Also you're a great player, you'll do just fine at the tourney. Ike is ****.
    Oh... I looked at the sentence as if you said:

    I'm actually only an hour into the flight

    Sorry about that. But an hour isn't bad at all ^__^. It'll go by in a flash! Trust me, Flights can be LOOONG X__X. But I guess the only long part for you will be going through security.
    Well, me and SKy are good friends ^__^. She's taught me a lot about Marth ^__^. Still can't believe you guys gossiped about me, though XD.

    OMG You're on the plane now :D!? That's so cool! One day I'm going to bring my laptop onto a plain and use it :D! I've always wanted to do that XD.
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