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Zss Questions


Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2008
Hi all. Im new here, just found out there was a forum for this epic game :p

So, to the point. In melee I was a samus user, it didn't feel right using any one else (other than shiek a little:p ) But, I went with her for looks and loved the playstyle.

Then I heard brawl being released... And a new samus! I thought straight away I am going to play zero suit. ,I started looking up videos, (and, please don't be freaked out DSR=P, But im a huge DSR fan :D) I And, really luckily, dispite being completely different to melee samus ( light, quick etc) I LOVE her! =P I like MK and toon link but zss is my fave.

I am not that experienced atm, I am a good player but I dont know the advanced techniques. I win most random wifi matches without, but would love to know any advanced tactics with zss, especially, what is a DI? I looked it up and apparently it meens directional influence, which im guessing meens changing direction when in mid air, I have seen it done in videos, but I do not know the button combination to do it, so any help there would be great.

Another thing, I am VERY competitive. So is my cousin. His main is Zelda, and I am just wondering if anyone has any advice how to beat her. Overall, it's just like any other fight, but, I cant use armor pieces because of the B move reflector, and dins fire meens i can never keep space for whips but to far for her attacks, I'm forced to get right up to her.

Thanks again zero suiters!


Smash Apprentice
May 1, 2008
lake worth, FL
To use your suit pieces against zelda, all you have to do is wait for her to use dins fire or some other move, make sure she is comitted to the move and then throw your suit and interupt the move. The key to playing any character, i think any way, is to watch your opponent and avoid his/her attacks. then when there is an opening, and there is always bound to be, just attack then. as long as you avoid getting hit very much then you should have no problem increasing the others percentage. as for the dins fire, yo can easily jump it or avoid it with the shield and over move... what ever it is called. hope that helped, it works for me anyway.


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Orlando, FL
I play with Zamus a lot too. I can tell you some moves.

Her up-B can serve to pull your oponenet if your opponenet is in the air and above you. It can also spike if used correctly.

Her down-B is a flip jump. While Zamus performs the flip jump, you can release a pretty powerful kick when you press the A button. Times it correclty and it will spike.

Her foward- B is the whip thrown foward. Use it when you need to. Even though is a bit slow, the point of it is pretty powerful and it can KO characters at high percentages.

Her neutral-B is a shot that paralyzes the opponent. You can charge it up so that your opponent stays more time paralyzed if it hits. The same for her Smash down A.

Her down air A is a dive kick that if you use it incorreclty then it will kill you. If used correclty then it can spike as well.

Some moves that can kill are the following:
up air A
Smash side A
down air A
down-B and then press the A button
and some that I do not remember at the moment.

For more search on Youtube and Google. I hope this helps.

...by the way, I am really competitive too.

James Sparrow

Smash Master
Sep 26, 2005
East Wisconsin
Whenever I play someone that can reflect or eat my pieces, I just pick one up, walk up to them and side b them in the face. They always go for the reflect and get *****.

guy before me said:
Some moves that can kill are the following:
up air A
Smash side A
down air A
down-B and then press the A button
and some that I do not remember at the moment.Side b, back air, forward air


Smash Journeyman
Feb 24, 2008
Orlando, FL
Whenever I play someone that can reflect or eat my pieces, I just pick one up, walk up to them and side b them in the face. They always go for the reflect and get *****.

Thanks for fixing my post.


Smash Cadet
May 24, 2008
Maui, Hawaii
Any one got any info on directional influence?
DI is basically changing the direction to the direction you want while in mid air.. i'm sure everyone does it its just that people don't know they are doing it.. on the other hand DI can also change the direction you fly out of an attack/throw.. for example if DDD's fsmash hits you and you don't DI you fly horizontaly.. if DDD's fsmash hits you and you DI to a diagonal then you fly more diagonaly and thus giving you a chance to recover.. hope this helps..


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
we definitely need to get that guide stickied... i was looking for something like that earlier, I ended up having to go into training mode and test the percentages myself


Smash Lord
Oct 20, 2007
Fairfax, VA
DI is basically changing the direction to the direction you want while in mid air.. i'm sure everyone does it its just that people don't know they are doing it.. on the other hand DI can also change the direction you fly out of an attack/throw.. for example if DDD's fsmash hits you and you don't DI you fly horizontaly.. if DDD's fsmash hits you and you DI to a diagonal then you fly more diagonaly and thus giving you a chance to recover.. hope this helps..
Most noobs will tend to smash the control stick in the exact opposite direction of the way they're flying. This does not help them at all, rather, you get the most out of DI'ing when you direct yourself to a perpendicular of the direction you're flying.


Mar 16, 2007
ZSS's top five KO moves are fair, bair, uair, Plasma Whip and Flip Jump. Outside of those, nothing else really has the power to kill. Fsmash can sometimes kill up around 160% on lightweights without DI. You shouldn't rely on it.

DI, in the strictest sense, means influencing your trajectory after being hit by a move by inputting a direction on the control stick and also on the c-stick immediately after the attack connects. In order for DI to work, you need to input a direction that is orthogonal to the base trajectory that the move would send you. For example, if someone knocks you up, you input left or right. You do not input down, as that will not change your trajectory at all.


Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2008
Great responses, thanks all. Just to confirm, if you get hit up, smash your control stick left/right, but, what about smashed to the side? If you get smashed off the right side of the stage should you hold diagonal right on the stick to make you go up more instead?


Smash Lord
May 7, 2008
NS, Canada
hold the direction perpendicular to your trajectory

if you get smashed at a 45 deg angle to the left, mash the stick in the top-right direction


Smash Cadet
Jun 4, 2008
Haha, thanks for all the help, cant really seem to do it! :p, tested it and I just get hit off the side every time, but I will keep trying when I get hit, maybe I dont realise im doing it ? Thanks anyway though everyone :D

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