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Your Thoughts about Every Character you find on For Glory


Smash Apprentice
Aug 17, 2008
NRW, Germany
"Shulk - Charging shulk at the beginning to make him pick the wrong mondo art."

I hate that so much when I go shulk :>
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Smash Rookie
Jan 8, 2015
:4falcon: Main here

:4falcon:-If they don't taunt as soon as the match starts im going to kick their ass
:4bowser:-play very conservatively at first to see if they bowsercide
:4bowserjr:-spam your toy so I can throw it at you
:4charizard:-SIDE B
:4darkpit:-ow the edge
:4diddy:-I cant even be mad if they're good, I expect it
:4dk:-probably pink and ready to lose
:4drmario:-space with them pills
:4duckhunt:-I hate this match up so bad
:4falco:-probably acts like a fox main with out spamming b as soon as the match starts
:4fox:-spams b at the match start
:4ganondorf:-slow clone can't beat me
:4gaw:-DON'T GET A 9
:4greninja:-rolling and usually sd's
:4myfriends:-fights for his friends, but not to win
:4jigglypuff:-mother of god have mercy
:4kirby:-not gonna be as good as a jigglypuff
:4littlemac:-either a huge threat or a fun match
:4link:-roll, spam, roll, spam, roll
:4lucario:-aura is the only reason furries like using him
:4lucina:/:4marth:-this isn't melee, sorry
:4luigi:-either pretty good or just trying to find a main
:4mario:-one of the biggest tryhards who i ever meet
:4megaman:-roll, spam, roll, spam, roll, spam, roll, spam
:4ness:-short hop over pk fire till they learn
:4olimar:-a unicorn sighting
:4palutena:-your waifu isn't good
:4pacman:-you're not gonna get a ko with that fire hydrent buddy
:4peach:-quit floating
:4pikachu:-spams thinking its gonna work
:4pit:-doesn't actually play kid icarus
:4rob:-mother of god, im in for a world of hurt
:4robinm:/:4robinf:-charges every chance they get but miss everytime
:4sheik:-super tryhard who gets cocky
:4shulk:-SPEED, JUMP
:4sonic:-couldn't get me with their main, so they panic sanic
:4tlink:-most annoying voice in the game
:4villager:-ledge camps with lloid and slingshot
:4wario:-worst character to lose with due to him laughing in my face
:4wiifit:-are you sure? probably picked random
:4yoshi:-eggs for days
:4zelda:-not good but tries at least
:4zss:-combos for days


Smash Journeyman
Feb 1, 2015
Pallet Town
:4luigi::4mario:: Fireballs at the start of the match again?
:4fox::4falco:: Pew, pew, pew, pew, pew.
:4robinm::4robinf:: *Charging intensifys*
:4wario:: Vroom, vroom!
:4kirby:: :GCD::GCB:
:4villager:: Lloid rocket/Tree
:4olimar:: It's so majestic I've never seen it before in my life.
:4pikachu:: Pikachu! (jolt, jolt, jolt) Repeat 5x.
:4shulk:: I swear if you start if shield or smash a tear will roll down my eye.
:4charizard:: *Bling* RAHHHHH. Boom.


May 30, 2014
$50.00 / $??.??
:4mario:: Usually that one guy who likes Fire a bit too much
:4luigi:: Abuses Down B punishes so much that you Punish the Punish
:4peach:: ...I don't think I've ever seen a Peach on FG
:4bowser:: Remember to jam the hell out of the Jump Button when he Side B's you off the cliff so you can recover and taunt
:4yoshi:: Ground Pounding.
:rosalina:: Run away, Luma. Rinse and repeat.
:4bowserjr:: BEEP BEEP I'M A CAR
:4wario:: He will bite you.
:4drmario:: Always a fair fighter
:4diddy:: HOO-HAH
:4littlemac:: 1/2 Chance they'll taunt after you die
Fire Emblem Guys: Counter + Side B
Not an ordinary Fire Emblem guy: RUN FOR YOUR LIFE
Heropon: Smash is not what you do at the start of the round
Who cares about anyone else


Smash Apprentice
Jan 30, 2015
:4bowser:Smash attacks and side-b when you're close, down b when you launch them
:4falcon:Always taunt but usually pretty decent
:4charizard:Flare Blitz forever
:4fox:Dat ain't Falco
:4metaknight:This isn't Brawl, sorry
:4dedede:Gordos when you're far away and they always grab, dthrow and uair
:4diddy:Never met one who knew the hoo-hah, but they all know side-b
:4drmario:They'll try to play him like Mario and inevitably SD
:4wario:Bike to bite repeat forever
:4falco:Actually pretty decent, utilizing all of their tools and they usually go for the spikes and bairs
:4ganondorf:Side b, down tilt and they always try to Ganoncide
:4greninja:Shadow sneak for days on end
:4myfriends:Side-b forever
:4kirby:I've only met one and he was honestly the most fun guy to play that I have ever met in For Glory
:4littlemac:Smash attacks on the ground but they don't know what to do when off stage
:4link:Rolls are all they know in terms of movement, jab when you get close and they've memorized the 3 Bs. Boomerang, Bow, Bomb
:4tlink:Same as Link but they side smash more often
:4luigi:They only go for up-b
:4mario:Usually pretty average
:4marth:Only Smash attacks and counter, usually get tippers on accident
:4megaman:This match is going to time...
:4ness:Pains me to be a Ness main
:4olimar:Camping machine
:4palutena:They only want to use the pole dance taunt
:4pacman:Fire hydrant is all they know
:4peach:She won't stop rolling...
:4pikachu:Use their aerials well, up-b to rack on damage and they usually make you combo food
:rosalina:Dsmash and Fsmash when you get close and use Luma as nothing more than a meatshield
:4samus:Rolls and chargeshots, but some are actually pretty good
:4sonic:Spin dash into aerials. That is all
:4yoshi:Egg roll forever
:4zelda:Side b when you're far, neutral b when you're close
:4villager:The new :GCD::GCB:
:4zss:Stun laser, grab, dthrow, upb. They usually miss
:4jigglypuff:They either drag you offstage for the gimp or repeatedly miss rest
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Smash Journeyman
Sep 14, 2014
West SIde
:4dedede: Throws Gordos and try to go for hard reads
:4falcon: Pretty cool guy
:4charizard: :GCL::GCB:
:4littlemac:Counters a lot and always dash attacks.
:4diddy: HOO HA!!
:4duckhunt: throws disc, throws can, roll dodges to the ledge, puts Gunman down as shield, spams fsmash
:4falco: Lasers and reflectors are the only things these guys use.
:4ness: "PK FIRE!" "PK THUNDER!" Always go for back throw
:4link: Throw boomerang, fire arrow, roll to the ledge, wait for opponent, fsmash
:4luigi: Pretty good players. I've lost to a lot of Luigi's.
:4mario: Up tilt, up tilt, up tilt, up b. Usually go for the meteor smash.
:4yoshi: Egg spammers, :GCD::GCB:, :GCR::GCB:,
:4jigglypuff: Never on the ground. Always throwing out fairs and bairs
:4villager: Loid rocket spamming, fair/bair from far away, always try to hit me with the tree.
:4dk: I've also played some pretty good DKs. They know went to spike.
:4zelda: :GCB:, :GCU::GCB:, :GCL::GCB:, :GCD::GCB:
:4shulk:Counter spam, "BACKSLASH!", fsmash/usmash spam
:4sonic: Always doing the bread and butter Sonic combos (spin dash and aerial attacks). "Sonic Speed!" still annoys me as much as "You're too slow!"
:4lucario: Either really good or really bad. I'm terrified of the aura, though.
:4ganondorf: I'm about to make a combo video.
:4rob: God, I hate these guys. Always throwing those stupid gyros and lasers.
:4palutena: #respect
:4wario: Always on their bike.
:4marth:/:4lucina: Counter spam
:4tlink: Basically Link but they always down a when I am below them.


Jun 21, 2013
Speculation God, GOML
It is always quite fascinating to read about what others think about your fellow character mains. Apparently, we just spam lasers.

:4link:/:4tlink:: *****, Link has been one of my mains for over a decade, do you truly believe that you can beat me out with your weak wall of projectiles and d-air? Pfff.
:4bowser:/:4ganondorf:: Either this is a master of the character, or some random who mains them because they are so dark and edgy.
:4littlemac:: Little Mac is For Glory.
:4falcon:: Captain Falcon is love and life, Captain Falcon is Smash. Please taunt at me.
:4jigglypuff:: Jigglypuff is so kawaii desu-ka!
:4marth:/:4lucina:/:4myfriends:: "Prepare yourself..." for the counter.
:4wario:: Oh my god. I have witnessed a real, living and breathing troll.
:4sonic:: *Seductive spin-dash noises*
:4palutena:: I wish I could actually have fun with Palutena. Insert quip here.
:4metaknight:: This ain't Brawl, get out of here, son.
:4shulk:: "I am really feeling it!"
:4olimar:: NOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOOO! Spare my pathetic soul from this eternal torment!


Smash Apprentice
Aug 9, 2014
Calgary, Alberta
I can't really say my thoughts on every character since I always see the same ones, so I'll just say the ones I always see.

:4diddy:Oh look, a diddy user. I wonder why you're using him.
:4falcon:I'm going to combo you death and try to look swaggy while I'm at it!
:4littlemac:Spamming smash attacks is all I can do.
:4link:Projectiles is the name of my game.
:4mario:grab, down throw, up tilt, up tilt, up tilt, up tilt, up tilt, up tilt, up smash! Very pro!
:4sheik:fast and annoying.
:4yoshi:I have more range than Shulk on certain attacks.
:4zss:darn it woman, sit still so I can hit you!
:4greninja:I kill you with up air, and I dance on you with down air.
:4sonic:see Sheik above.
:4villager:when will you learn that Shulk can counter your tree?!
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Smash Apprentice
Jan 23, 2015
:4bowser::4ganondorf: Either really bad or really good, if bad they will continually do a get up roll to get hit in the face with a thrown top
:4sonic:Please stop hurting me please stop oh god make it stop.
:4tlink::4link: Spam arrows and boomerangs even though I've reflected or power sheilded all of them
:4falcon:Really good or just bought the game no in between
:4duckhunt: Try to out camp me, my tops better than anything you got you'll see
:4villager: I hope they don't realize they can pocket my top for the entire game...crap they pocketed my top the entire game
:4mario:Once you're done with your up tilt string Ya got nothing
:4peach: Hacha! Hacha! Hacha! Every peach I meet on for glory thinks side b is her only move
:4shulk: I'm not gonna use my form change the entire game also I love backslash
:4zelda:You really like up b I'll keep baiting it out and pile driving you fine by me
:4megaman: You really want to draw this out to sudden death don't you


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2016
:4bayonetta: Type A: This player will try everything Bayonetta used to do to no avail.
Type B: A very difficult match. This person is hyper aggressive and will do everything in their power so that you don’t land back on the stage.
:4bowser:Type A: A Melee Bowser who didn't kill himself long enough to survive years of torment. Be careful, this player has experience.
Type B: FGtard with a penchant for Fsmash.
:4bowserjr:Type A: I'm never having fun with this MU. Keeps spamming but never seems to hit me.
Type B: A jack of all trades. This player has searched long and hard for a main, and knows a lot more than they let on.
:4falcon:Type A: The elitist scrub who telegraphs everything they do. Usually a Ganon in disguise.
Type B: Just wants to have fun, generally best people in the community. Will usually play at a skillful level.
:4charizard:Type A: Unexperienced player who's about to get bodied.
Type B: Introspecktive worshipper. Probably watches Youtube religiously. Respects the hustle and grind of low tiers, but isn’t a snob about it. A person I'd be friends with.
:4cloud:Type A: The person who can't find a main, so they take the most cooky cutter character in pathetic hopes of getting good.
Type B: A real main who abuses the frame data. This person will bend you to their will. Typically has awesome fundamentals.
:4corrin: Hmm?
:4corrinf:Type A: A Fire Emblem vet who wants to test out new things. Expect an interesting fight.
Type B: A more frustrating version of Marth/Lucina.
:4dedede: Type A: Girthquake worshipper. Totally believes that Dedede is the best. Will play honestly, but unintentionally spams.
Type B: A poor 8 year old who came to wrong lobby. No skill at all.
:4darkpit:See Pit. This one's usually a really pretentious girl, or a metrosexual guy.
:4diddy:Type A: Combo dervish with a surprising amount of intelligence. Very safe player with high level skills. Ironically the oldest IRL.
Type B: A player who is still trying to understand Diddy. Generally easy pickings.
:4dk:Type A: A brute who just wants to hit people. Average skill level.
Type B: DKwill clone who is a master at spacing attacks. Has great skills, and plays honestly. No jons required.
:4drmario:Type A: A Melee vet who got super excited their old pocket is back. Probably a black guy. SDs like a chump.
Type B: A rare subvariant of Type A who actually mained Doc instead of pocketing. Be EXTREMELY careful with this counter aggressive player.
:4duckhunt:Type A: Annoying camper who wants to grow a meta, but is poorly equipped for the job. Usually has low self esteem. Low level of skill. EZ money.
Type B: An even more annoying defensive player whose mastered defense in Smash. Expect a war of attrition.
:4falco:Type A: See Doc Mario.
Type B: A Fox main who thought he was special.
:4fox:Type A: Super try hard who dies immediately.
Type B: The cold calculator. This player has the highest levels of tech skill in general. Expect a loss.
:4ganondorf:Type A: Captain Falcon main that thought they were special.
Type B: Troll who doesn’t even care about playing. Typically very skilled.
Type C: The 'c' in the typing says it all...
:4greninja:Type A: Lucario main that finally grew up. Has great tech skill, but poor fundamentals. Above average player. Expect a flashy bout.
Type B: A spammer who just wants to seem like Type A, but obviously isn’t. Will spam substitute.
:4myfriends:Type A: Classic FGtard with C stick syndrome. Low level of skill, yet somehow puts up a decent fight.
Type B: The fearless player who IRL is a grown man. Ambitious to a fault. May SD for a kill.
:4jigglypuff:What's a Jigglypuff?
Type B: Hbox clone who is surprisingly good at Jiggs.
:4kirby:Type A: An 8 year old that's about to get humiliated.
Type B: That annoying guy from tournaments who tells you to learn the MU while playing second class.
:4littlemac:Type C: See Ganondorf Type C.
Type A: A really good player. Stay woke, and get ready to fight for your stocks.
:4link:Type A: Generic spammer with an average level of skill.
Type B: Zelda fan who isn't too bad, but not great either. Probably rolls everywhere.
TypeC: You should get the joke by now...
Type D: This monster is not only a techskill analyst on par with Fox, but also uses standard attacks. If you encounter this player, yoyr only hope is to get them off stage somehow.
:4lucario:Type A: Furry who prowls r34 for their fix.
Type B: The most patient person you know outside of a buddhist monk. Hardest Reader, above average skills.
Type C: Get's killed by a Luigi.
:4lucas:Type A: The vet who was so happy Lucas was back...
Type B: A Ness main who thought he was special.
Type C: CANCER! PK Fiyurrh.
:4lucina::4marth:Type A: The Left Twix and Right Twix of SSB4. These two C stick abusing jacks and jills just can't understand the concept of a clone. Annoying.
Type B: Typically more common in Marths. These players are masters of spacing, and will always tipper, no matter how unlikely it seems. Seemingly pull wins out of their asses.
Type C: See Lucas Type C. Scratch out PK Fire and replace it with forward smash. Usually rolls behind you, expecting you to ignore it.
:4luigi:Type A: The cold and abandoned Luigi desperately crawls around for some sort help. Very good player with a sporadic track record, and usually hides their crippling depression/anxiety/other mental illnesses under gimmicks. Usually very honest people. A friend in need.
Type B: A preachy version of Type A. Don’t be friends with these people, they usually suck the soul out of people.
Type C: A troll? Or just a really good player? Uses fire balls religiously.
:4mario:Type A: FGtard who can't find a main. Fire ball spamming with superior edgeguarding. Regretably very good skill wise.
Type B: The most dull person ever, yet somehow very amusing. Awesome fundamentals, gotta be careful. Live and die by the Fair.
:4megaman:Type A: A robotic Kirin.
Type B: A new variant ever since Kamemushi blessed the meta. Fox level tech skill with a little spam at the side. Jab locks a plenty. Expect to lose.
:4metaknight:Type A: Uair, Uair, UAIR. Below average skill.
Type B: A nightmare from SSBB. MK Leo clone who bodies fools. High level of skill.
:4mewtwo:Type A: That weird kid from school that didn't grow up right. Oedipus complex may or may not be there.
Type B: Abagango worshipper with cheap ways to destroy you. Average to a painful end.
Type C: This joke is getting old, even for this post.
:4miif:You'll see these guys soon.
:4gaw:Type A: A japanese player who dedicates hours to Smash. Very high skill level.
Type B: Grown man who takes interest in a kids beat 'em up.
:4ness: Type A: Dthrow, Fair, Fair.
Type B: Doesn't like butts. Omni clones.
Type C: PK fire...
:4peach: Type A: An actual girl who's really sick of the bullsh*t she has to put up with for it. Usually a force of nature with the character.
Type B: Flamboyant happy go lucky type with skills. Angers easily.
:4pikachu:Type A: A kid with no skill at all who just likes Pokémon.
Type B: A technical player who's in love with speed. Will probably team up with a Sonic main.
:4pit:Type A: Kid is gonna feel it tomorrow. Jail bait at it's most depraved.
Type B:
:4rob: Type A: The last of his kind. After SSBB, there was only one left. Usually really good at obscure MUs. Get's good results.
Type B: Special special snowflake.
:4robinf:Type A: Sexually repressed weeb.
Type B: An interestingly good player who uses their tools efficiently. Expect a hard fight.
:rosalina:Type A: Antitheisis of Little Mac.
:4feroy:A skilled Roy can beat Any Fox...
Everything wrong with smash nowadays. Please, stop playing this character unless you mean to play.

Type B: The Marth who fell from grace. Above average.
:4ryu:Type A: Mixed bag. Typically low skilled, but can be really good when pushed.
Type B: A combo fiend with good tech skill, but terrible fundamentals. Plays competitive 99% of the time. Expect a hard fought game.
:4samus:Type A: (As a Samus main, this hurts me) a Spamus is a no skill player who should immediately go pick another character.
Type B: The player who swears Sakurai was telling the truth about Samus being high tier. Usually passable.
Type C: Lag abuser. Below average skill.
Type D: I like to reserve this certain spot for most of the Samus Discord Group. These are people who grow the metagame every passing day. Are also the few players that know about Samus' up throw 0-deaths. If you encounter this player, which I approximate is a 1/388 chance, you will be greeted with one of the toughest fights you've had to play.
:4sheik:Type A: Rosalina and Luma lite.
Type B: Super adaptive player who's usually a foreigner, (Not American in my case).
Type C: Rare, but inevitable. A player who SDs, realizing they're making a huge mistake.
:4shulk:Type A: Smash attacking in hopes no one realizes they have almost no knowledgr on their own character.
Type B: ZeRo? Is that you? Really good player with great tech skill, and good fundamentals.
Type C: The player who wished they were Type B.
:4villagerf:>All about the same in my eyes.
:4wiifit::4wiifitm:Type A: Will ruin you with crazy hit boxes. Typically above average players.
:4yoshi:Type A: Sadistic sick ******* who takes pleasure in perverting an honest and fun loving character. Usually very good.
Type B: Awesome fundamentalist smash player.
:4zelda:I really don't know what to say.
Type A: A straight forward percision player who's a perfectionist.
Type C: Weeaboo straight up.
:4zss:Type A: An SD nervous wreck.
Type B: A really good player who takes down everybody. Probably a little bit repressed.
Type C: We want Old Samus back!
:4miibrawl::4miigun::4miisword:Rarest ever. Of the actual 25 registered Mii mains, most of them are pockets, or just things reserved for fun.
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Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2014
This thread proves how much of a crap shoot the community realizes Smash4 is.


Smash Apprentice
Dec 7, 2014
This thread proves how much of a crap shoot the community realizes Smash4 is.


Smash Apprentice
Mar 24, 2016
This thread proves how much of a crap shoot the community realizes Smash4 is.
Pretty spot on. This is why most of the community is smart enough to not train in FG.
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