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You say Sakurai turned his back on his fans? I say ORLY?

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Smash Lord
May 10, 2007
Alexandria, Louisiana
Let me first state that I am not making this thread in an attempt to tell you to "STOP FIGHTING GUYS" or anything like that. This thread is not out to tell you what to do, and I intend on not doing so. I just have a simple message I want to address and put out on the table that many people seem to forget. If you are going to come in here and try to start crap, then you will only be showing your ignorance. This is not a hate meeting for EITHER side, just a simple message. Have some respect and treat it as just that.

The popular consensus seems to be for hating Sakurai and the development crew for whatever reason. Let the hate flow. It is natural to pour your anger into an outlet of whatever kind, whether it be inanimate or animate, so if you need to vent by blaming it on something, go ahead and do just that. Fuming with anger and keeping it bottled in isn't healthy anyways.

Bear in mind however, that to make the claim that Sakurai ignored his fans is only a result of your blind anger. It is just not true. He did not ignore you, and he most certainly would never turn his back on his fans. If he turned his back on his fans, then there would be no Brawl. We would have Melee Online. Sakurai even brought this a step further and instead of leaving his fans in the dark, he wanted to keep them up to date on very recent and new info to help satiate our hunger. He didn't have to, but he did, and that shows a dedication that seems to be lacking in game developer nowadays.

There are quite a few people who blame Sakurai that because of his Dojo, their hype was killed. It is not his fault that you can't exercise personal restraint. He offered the Dojo as an optional thing, you, as an individual with the curiosity of a cat decided to waltz in and spoil yourself. Temptation is not grounds for making the excuse of forced action. You did it yourself. You have no one to blame but yourself for that one. Sakurai is not a mind wizard although he really does look like he could be one.

The biggest issue is of course, the roster. Many people were disappointed that their favorite character will not exchange in fisticuffs with their most hated mascot. This is natural and quite common to the point where I can understand the disdain a person would have regarding such news. However, you can't win over everybody, so you have to make due and do what you can to please as many people as possible. You can't win everyone over as there will always be that one person who sees hard effort as an excuse for laziness for not working on the character they wanted in the game.

He did a swell job. He worked with what he had and pumped out a very healthy amount of new talent comingled with old. We got a lot of new characters, and all the veterans from the first two games came back. We have a story mode, a stage builder, online, collectibles out of the wazoo, over 200+ songs, and the list continues to grow. He wanted to make this game last far beyond simple Vs. mode, and wanted to make sure that every inch of the game was able to pull fun from. He did exceptionally well in that aspect.

You can almost say, that amidst the designing of all these intricate modes and balancing our new batch of heroes and villains, that Sakurai lost track of time, and realized that he was going to come up a bit shorthanded on character representation. So what did that wascawwy wabbit do? What else but supply us those characters through the means of preserved strength and valor. Our AT's capture the true essence of the core character, their presence unweathered as they release their OWN "final smash" to show that they were lost but not forgotten. They leave their impact through the frantic flurries, slashing, gunfire and other means of leaving their mark. Their impact is strong and sturdy, and will not be so easily ignored.

Our bosses too preserve the core essence of the character. Many people wonder why Ridley is not playable, when the answer is not so much that Sakurai didn't see him fit enough to be controlled by the hands of salivating fans everywhere, but rather saw Ridley as something more grandeur, a playable slot not enough to warrant the essence that is Ridley. Consider boss characters in Brawl as characters that are too good to be handled by a mortal hand. These cats don't play around. Their savage nature and relentless background shatter the realm of AT and they evolve into an entity that can not be pushed aside like a mere AT. Sakurai knew of Ridley's background, and his legions of fans and why they liked him, which is why he figured it would be only for the best that he retained those qualities through the means of making him one fierce boss to fight.

Sakurai has always cared about his fans you see. So much so that we got all this new stuff; all this new material that fans really did want to see. It is truly amazing how despite all this work, all the sweat and tears put into making this game, that they still managed to evolve the roster they way they did. People complain about the clones, when in reality they fail to realize just how much work it took to get all this stuff to the high numbers that are now in the endgame. Consider clones not as an insult to the character, but rather an honest effort to further the roster along, doing what they can with what little time they did have left. So much work goes into one character, but the later ones take the most work. My theory is that, for Toon Link, Wolf, Falco, Ganon, Lucas, that they were the unfortunate ones at the back of the line. I would probably put Toon Link at the far back, seeing as how he is the one who is seemingly the worst of the clones.

Time is not infinitive, and with already three delays, it would have probably shattered Sakurai to have to push it back again. What people here fail to realize is that with every delay, the creator who was ever so passionate in making this title has to watch his fans suffer due to technicalities. It must be like knifes to the gut to watch as his fans are continued to be let down and teased with the one gift Sakurai wants to get off his hands and give to you. It is with this, I believe the 3 landmasters came about, as well as the other cloned FS's. Quick patchwork to guarantee that the game we have all been waiting for years will finally be spinning in our wiis, delivering to us a visual splendor we have dreamed about since the final days of Melee.

In conclusion. Sakurai has always cared about us, the fans. He did what could be done with the time that he had, and he made every last minute count. It is because of this I am grateful to have Sakurai create our game, because with such a passion of pleasing the fans, only one thing is certain:

He knows how to make a darn good game.

That is all. Fiend out. :bee:

True Fool

Smash Ace
Jul 27, 2007
Although I wouldn't count on this having a profound effect on the people screaming about their disappointment, thank you for posting it. It is a level-headed explaination to those who were a little bummed out about the roster.

Myself at first felt a little disappointed. But then I remembered that I got Ike, Lucas, ZSS, Wolf and most of my old favorites back. I don't play all of the characters in Melee, I barely play half. But already it seems as though I'm going to have a great time playing as everyone in Brawl.


Smash Ace
Nov 27, 2007
Wall of text, the green hurts my eyes. That and THESE TOPICS HAVE BEEN POSTED COUNTLESS TIMES ALREADY.


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Oh boy, another TL;DR topic of someone defending sakurai. We get it guys.
Lavisfiend was VERY neutral in this post, so stop acting like he's one of those "persistent Sakurai worshippers". He was not defending Sakurai, he was telling the truth. And he did a fine job expressing this. Great read!

Annhialator Zero

Smash Apprentice
Nov 11, 2007
Irela... Like I'm telling you!
I'll agree with this, the only complaints I really have are Toon Link's moves and not changing Ganon (And that's not really too serious to me).

Krystal would have been cool but Wolf's equally cool imo

Finn Macool

Smash Apprentice
Sep 27, 2007
well said and well argued
who the hell else is sakurai making this game for if not the fans


Smash Rookie
Oct 5, 2007
Ya, I aggree with you, most people also fail to miss that if we didnt know about Snake or Sonic, up until this point, we would have been astounded and excited. And your right Sakurai wanted to make this the best game possible, and some people are being very rude to a guy who has spent 1-3 YEARS of his life, trying to perfect(Fine it is his Job, but still) and put so much effort into this game for US.
I for one can't wait to get my hands on Brawl.

Your "Speech"(i guess) is very well written. It seems like something the presidents hired writters would write up... If he talked about video games :D


Smash Ace
Aug 11, 2007
Then why do you post at all? If you fail to read the first post in this topic and do not want to contribute, then get out. Simple as that.


Smash Cadet
Sep 24, 2007
This post makes me smile. I'm a relative noob here (and an eternal noob at Smash, sadly) so maybe my voice doesn't count for much, but I just wanted to say: well put, TC.

Honestly, once the game's been out for a few months in the US, you'll struggle to find anyone who'll admit they ever thought it would be anything other than awesome.


Smash Apprentice
Jan 12, 2008
Very well written/said!

People should be happy that Sakurai helped make the game. He didn't have to. If he wasn't begged, he never would have produced such an awesome game. Hey, be happy you guys are GETTING a third Smash Bros.!


Smash Cadet
Jul 14, 2007
Fine, I'll contribute. Thread creator; please find a way to post your opinions in less than ELEVEN paragraphs. Thank you
This topic is just that, his opinion, nobody is forcing you to read it, if you can't leave at least some sort of intellegent statment in response, or at the very least read the first post,
then there is no reason to respond. Especially if you going to act immature about it.


Smash Apprentice
Feb 12, 2006
That is merely the TC's way of looking at the situation.

You do not know how he was thinking. I may think that instead, he chose to do everything slap-dash at the last minute. That may not be the truth, but it would be my interpretation on it.

Kudos to you for writing something so long. Nice to see a positive attitude.

(By the way, I actually reached acceptance a while ago, so please, no one pour holy water on me.)


Smash Ace
Oct 13, 2007
You seem to be addressing a basically non-existent crowd, either that or your horribly misunderstanding peoples positions. ---Which is why I stopped reading two paragraphs in.


Smash Apprentice
Oct 20, 2007

Lavis, that was excellent. You eloquently put the feelings of me and many others in a piece of excellent writing.

For the tl;dr morons, how you are getting through school I will never know.
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