Smash Journeyman
This thread is one part of a series of threads, each dedicated to a single matchup, covering all 41(+) matchups. These threads are going to be a collaboration, so PLEASE give me your thoughts and opinions. Post your videos here, even if you lose. Post your preferred stages, even if people think otherwise. Post your tips, even if you think you aren't the best player.
I. Videos: Calm v. Zubat
II. Overview:
Peanut Popper = Diddy's Neutral B/Projectile; Monkey Flip = Diddy's Side B; Rocketbarrel Boost = Diddy's Up B/Recovery; Banana Peel = Diddy's Down B
Diddy's Strengths:
- Fast
- Excellent item play
- Very strong neutral game
Diddy's Weaknesses:
- Light semi-fastfaller = easy to combo
Key Points:
- If you slip on a banana, you can tech it (tech roll or tech in place)
- Fullspeed Eggroll rolls over bananas (someone fact check this, but I'm pretty sure this is true)
III. Matchup Analysis:
Neutral Game:
- Diddy can play both a campy style and a rushdown style; first understand what kind of Diddy you are playing against
- A campy Diddy will typically have 2 bananas out on the stage at all times, and he uses his Peanut Popper a lot
- A rushdown Diddy will typically only have 1 banana in his hand, and he'll approach with Side B attack and Dash attack a lot
- Keep track of where the bananas are at all times
- Eggroll is effective in this matchup; Diddy does not have the greatest options against it, especially out of shield
Comboing/Punishing Diddy:
- Really easy to juggle; use a lot of Uptilts and DJC Upairs off of Eggroll or Downthrow/Upthrow
Escaping Diddy's Pressure:
- If you get hit by Dash Attack while offstage, DI away to avoid the Downair spike
- Diddy's Throws:
- Downthrow: Sends you behind Diddy; DI behind Diddy to avoid followups
- Upthrow: Killthrow at high %s, DI toward the corner of the blastzone to survive
- Backthrow:
- Forwardthrow:
Edgeguarding Diddy:
- Diddy does not have that much freedom over the trajectory of his recovery after he decides the initial charge time and angle
- Recognize based on the angle and how long he's been charging if he is recovering towards the ledge or to the stage
- Be ready to instant edgehog against Diddy trying to sweetspot the ledge
- Downtilt or Downsmash Diddy if he can't sweetspot
- If Diddy is going to overshoot, move back towards where on stage he will land and charge a smash attack of your choice
- Throw eggs as he charges his up B!
- Diddy can Side B for great horizontal recovery and Up B out of it, expect it
IV. Stages
Ultimately, Stage striking, banning, and Counterpicking comes down to personal preference. People will also have conflicting opinions as to which stages are better or worse for certain matchups. Use this as a rough baseline, understand the reasons why each stage may help hurt a particular character, and learn what your opponent might want to ban/counterpick against you. Different Tournaments use different stage lists with different sets of starters and different amounts of stage bans.
V. Tricks, Tips, Do's and Don'ts:
- You can Wavedash over a banana to pick it up, and you can airdodge through a banana or a peanut to grab it in the air
Guide Contributors:

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