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Yoshi Possibility?


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Okay I've been doing this new thing recently where if I get knocked far off the stage and really high, when I come down towards the ledge (using only up b for getting back), I use neutral B to make my opponent an egg. Then he turns into the egg and falls and I make it back to ledge with a jump. Anyways, if he does manage to break the egg I can generally release from the edge and do bair.

I remember someone posting a video of someone doing the first part then simply using the guy as a footstool to get back to the stage so I believe what I'm doing has already been 'discovered' or whatever you wish to call it.

Anyways just wanted to know, has anyone else been doing this and finding positive results from it?


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
I actually experiment very little with neutral B combos, but this does sound like a nice way to mix things up.
I honestly don't use it to often, but I've noticed hardly anyone ever does anything like this really, even if it has been discovered or whatever, so its a good way to surprise your opponent and its really darn easy to do.
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