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Yoshi Hit and Give Victory Celebration!


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
Rapid City, SD
Yay! Yoshi is victorious over the Yoshi-haters ! Now, let's break out the melons and fruit juice and party!

But before things go much farther, I want to extend a very big thanks to several key people who where extremely important in our victory. First of all, thank you, Coolish, for starting that key thread that let us so many of us know about the game. Second, thank you, yoshiunity for your recruiting efforts and for helping to keep the game fair. Third, thank you, Sundance Kid, for starting up the Yoshi Hit and Give contol room. Fourth, thank you, Gindler, for your efforts to keep the game fair. And last, but most certainly not least, thank you to all of the many, many die-hard Yoshi fans who supported Yoshi in various ways and made this victory possible.

OK, on with the celebration! Everyone (except Yoshi-haters) is invited to share their thoughts about the game, relive their favorite moments, and in general have fun celebrating this victory. We can also take the time to discuss how to prepare for future Hit and Gives in order to save Yoshi from certain defeat at the hands of the Yoshi-haters.

So, please tell me what you liked about the game!


Smash Apprentice
Feb 2, 2008
*Dumps gatorade on Defender.*

Hey. It's no problem man. All's fun in the game. I had to make sure everyone played fair, because the Yoshi haters were only calling crap against Yoshi, not themselves or other characters. So Me, Gindler, and everyone else who attempted to look on things from both side decided to step in and keep everything fair. Even if it meant taking a unfair point away from Yoshi. All had to done. My favorite part of the game was the reaction of the Yoshi Haters. They were trying every trick in the book to stop Yoshi from winning. Point reduction, voting twice and looking over them, even tried to end the game early. But had a good reason for every attempt, and made it clear that if they wouldn't listen to us, then we won't listen to them.

We prove that Yoshi has support in that game. Even though a lot of them will still question everything, and still say the "Yoshi sucks" for blind ambitions. We still shown them that there's more of us than they think there is. :D

I may not be in another one. Thinking about just hanging around the yoshi boards now. There's plenty strategies I need to test out. and hopefully, once I get a ethernet adapter. I'll be able to play online again and test my skills. :)


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Too bad Yoshi can't win tournaments like he wins forum games. =/
How many Yoshi mains are there offline? I only have heard about 5 of them that play in the big tournies. Pride told me that he placed 7th recently with Yoshi, why is his placement not counted? And I actually think Yoshi can win tournaments.


Smash Ace
Mar 13, 2008
Royal Oak, MI
I think I may choose to main yoshi. I'm definitely considering it at least. He's a lot of fun to play and it's a ton of fun to shock people with a good yoshi. I played him in a tournament and didn't do so well but that wasn't too long after I started playing him so I didn't know any particular strategies against characters and I didn't know what moves he has priority over etc. I can see placing in a tournament possible with yoshi for sure.


Smash Master
Oct 11, 2007
Just another day.
Tournament placing is possible. Pride has been doing decently well lately. I know that if others are up to his lvl, then Yoshi wouln't be unrated or bad as the other people say he is.


Smash Apprentice
May 19, 2008
Bigman I only know another Yoshi main in Georgia other than us. I don't go to tournaments to much right now. Taking a break from them. Maybe some more in the fall though. I'll try to get Yoshi known in my area =/


Smash Apprentice
Jun 10, 2008
Appalachian State University/ West Jefferson, NC
im going to a tournament soon, (26th of july) and i cant wait, itll be my first tourney and im booming with confedence. cross your fingers and dont forget to root for me. and congrats guys on this victory, to be honest i dont know what happened but it seems like you guys shows them.


Smash Lord
Jun 8, 2008
The Secret Kingdom
Celebration! YOSHI IS THE WINNER!! Should we try to make Yoshi champ again next time, help Kirby, or branch out into our other mains? I think I might help Yoshi and Olimar next time...Good job too all who voted! *dumps Gatorade on everyone in the Yoshi boards* *passes out Yoshi Cookies* *crowd cheers for Yoshi as Yoshi's Story(ending) plays*


Smash Rookie
Jun 13, 2008
Rapid City, SD
Too bad Yoshi can't win tournaments like he wins forum games. =/
I hear you, but don't be glum. Focus on Yoshi's recent victory and forget about more serious stuff for the time being.

im going to a tournament soon, (26th of july) and i cant wait, itll be my first tourney and im booming with confedence. cross your fingers and dont forget to root for me. and congrats guys on this victory, to be honest i dont know what happened but it seems like you guys shows them.
Good luck in the tournament! What we are celebrating is Yoshi's huge victory in the Super Smash Bros. Brawl Hit and Give that was going on in the forum games portion of the site. Yoshi was doing decent, but then Coolish made more of us aware of the game. After he did that, Yoshi started destroying the competition.


Smash Ace
Dec 14, 2005
Dallas, TX (Land of the Killers)
How many Yoshi mains are there offline? I only have heard about 5 of them that play in the big tournies. Pride told me that he placed 7th recently with Yoshi, why is his placement not counted? And I actually think Yoshi can win tournaments.
Psshh, all yall thinking that there is no Yoshi representing yall besides 5 unheard of names and Pride. On Monday I got 4th place and the Wednesday before that, it was 5th place. Texas holds insane amounts of tournaments lol. In conclusions, make that 6 Yoshis :p. The name bwett shall be sang across the lands rofl
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